PocketMine-MP 5.23.3 git-4a4572131f27ab967701ceaaf2020cfbe26e375c
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pocketmine\entity\Entity Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for pocketmine\entity\Entity:
+ Collaboration diagram for pocketmine\entity\Entity:

Public Member Functions

 __construct (Location $location, ?CompoundTag $nbt=null)
 __toString ()
 addMotion (float $x, float $y, float $z)
 attack (EntityDamageEvent $source)
 broadcastAnimation (Animation $animation, ?array $targets=null)
 broadcastSound (Sound $sound, ?array $targets=null)
 canBeCollidedWith ()
 canBeMovedByCurrents ()
 canBeRenamed ()
 canClimb ()
 canClimbWalls ()
 canCollideWith (Entity $entity)
 canSaveWithChunk ()
 close ()
 despawnFrom (Player $player, bool $send=true)
 despawnFromAll ()
 extinguish ()
 flagForDespawn ()
 getAttributeMap ()
 getBoundingBox ()
 getDirectionPlane ()
 getDirectionVector ()
 getEyeHeight ()
 getEyePos ()
 getFallDistance ()
 getFireTicks ()
 getGravity ()
 getHealth ()
 getHorizontalFacing ()
 getId ()
 getLastDamageCause ()
 getLocation ()
 getMaxHealth ()
 getMotion ()
 getNameTag ()
 getNetworkProperties ()
 getOffsetPosition (Vector3 $vector3)
 getOwningEntity ()
 getOwningEntityId ()
 getPickedItem ()
 getPosition ()
 getScale ()
 getScoreTag ()
 getSize ()
 getTargetEntity ()
 getTargetEntityId ()
 getViewers ()
 getWorld ()
 hasGravity ()
 hasMovementUpdate ()
 hasNoClientPredictions ()
 heal (EntityRegainHealthEvent $source)
 isAlive ()
 isClosed ()
 isFireProof ()
 isFlaggedForDespawn ()
 isInsideOfSolid ()
 isInvisible ()
 isNameTagAlwaysVisible ()
 isNameTagVisible ()
 isOnFire ()
 isOnGround ()
 isSilent ()
 isUnderwater ()
 kill ()
 onCollideWithPlayer (Player $player)
 onInteract (Player $player, Vector3 $clickPos)
 onNearbyBlockChange ()
 onRandomUpdate ()
 onUpdate (int $currentTick)
 resetFallDistance ()
 respawnToAll ()
 saveNBT ()
 scheduleUpdate ()
 sendData (?array $targets, ?array $data=null)
 setCanClimb (bool $value=true)
 setCanClimbWalls (bool $value=true)
 setCanSaveWithChunk (bool $value)
 setFallDistance (float $fallDistance)
 setFireTicks (int $fireTicks)
 setForceMovementUpdate (bool $value=true)
 setGravity (float $gravity)
 setHasGravity (bool $v=true)
 setHealth (float $amount)
 setInvisible (bool $value=true)
 setLastDamageCause (EntityDamageEvent $type)
 setMaxHealth (int $amount)
 setMotion (Vector3 $motion)
 setNameTag (string $name)
 setNameTagAlwaysVisible (bool $value=true)
 setNameTagVisible (bool $value=true)
 setNoClientPredictions (bool $value=true)
 setOnFire (int $seconds)
 setOwningEntity (?Entity $owner)
 setRotation (float $yaw, float $pitch)
 setScale (float $value)
 setScoreTag (string $score)
 setSilent (bool $value=true)
 setTargetEntity (?Entity $target)
 spawnTo (Player $player)
 spawnToAll ()
 teleport (Vector3 $pos, ?float $yaw=null, ?float $pitch=null)

Static Public Member Functions

static getNetworkTypeId ()
static nextRuntimeId ()

Public Attributes

AxisAlignedBB $boundingBox
float $fallDistance = 0.0
bool $isCollided = false
bool $isCollidedHorizontally = false
bool $isCollidedVertically = false
bool $keepMovement = false
int $lastUpdate
int $noDamageTicks = 0
bool $onGround = false
EntitySizeInfo $size
int $ticksLived = 0
const MOTION_THRESHOLD = 0.00001
const TAG_MOTION = "Motion"
const TAG_POS = "Pos"
const TAG_ROTATION = "Rotation"

Protected Member Functions

 addAttributes ()
 applyDragBeforeGravity ()
 broadcastMotion ()
 broadcastMovement (bool $teleport=false)
 checkBlockIntersections ()
 checkGroundState (float $wantedX, float $wantedY, float $wantedZ, float $dx, float $dy, float $dz)
 checkObstruction (float $x, float $y, float $z)
 dealFireDamage ()
 destroyCycles ()
 doOnFireTick (int $tickDiff=1)
 entityBaseTick (int $tickDiff=1)
 getAllNetworkData ()
 getBlocksAroundWithEntityInsideActions ()
 getBlocksIntersected (float $inset)
 getDirtyNetworkData ()
 getInitialDragMultiplier ()
 getInitialGravity ()
 getInitialSizeInfo ()
 initEntity (CompoundTag $nbt)
 move (float $dx, float $dy, float $dz)
 onDeath ()
 onDeathUpdate (int $tickDiff)
 onDispose ()
 onFirstUpdate (int $currentTick)
 onHitGround ()
 recalculateBoundingBox ()
 resetLastMovements ()
 sendSpawnPacket (Player $player)
 setPosition (Vector3 $pos)
 setPositionAndRotation (Vector3 $pos, float $yaw, float $pitch)
 setSize (EntitySizeInfo $size)
 syncNetworkData (EntityMetadataCollection $properties)
 tryChangeMovement ()
 updateFallState (float $distanceThisTick, bool $onGround)
 updateMovement (bool $teleport=false)

Protected Attributes

bool $alwaysShowNameTag = false
AttributeMap $attributeMap
array $blocksAround = null
bool $canClimb = false
bool $canClimbWalls = false
bool $closed = false
float $drag
int $fireTicks = 0
bool $forceMovementUpdate = false
float $gravity
bool $gravityEnabled = true
array $hasSpawned = []
int $id
bool $invisible = false
bool $justCreated = true
EntityDamageEvent $lastDamageCause = null
Location $lastLocation
Vector3 $lastMotion
Location $location
Vector3 $motion
string $nameTag = ""
bool $nameTagVisible = true
bool $networkPropertiesDirty = false
bool $noClientPredictions = false
int $ownerId = null
float $scale = 1.0
string $scoreTag = ""
Server $server
bool $silent = false
float $stepHeight = 0.0
int $targetId = null
TimingsHandler $timings
float $ySize = 0.0

Detailed Description

Definition at line 82 of file Entity.php.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __construct()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::__construct ( Location $location,
?CompoundTag $nbt = null )

Definition at line 186 of file Entity.php.

◆ __destruct()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::__destruct ( )

Definition at line 1711 of file Entity.php.

Member Function Documentation

◆ __toString()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::__toString ( )

Definition at line 1715 of file Entity.php.

◆ addAttributes()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::addAttributes ( )

Definition at line 528 of file Entity.php.

◆ addMotion()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::addMotion ( float $x,
float $y,
float $z )

Adds the given values to the entity's motion vector.

Definition at line 1426 of file Entity.php.

Referenced by pocketmine\entity\effect\LevitationEffect\applyEffect().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ applyDragBeforeGravity()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::applyDragBeforeGravity ( )

Definition at line 826 of file Entity.php.

◆ attack()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::attack ( EntityDamageEvent $source)

Definition at line 532 of file Entity.php.

◆ broadcastAnimation()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::broadcastAnimation ( Animation $animation,
?array $targets = null )
Player[] | null$targets

Reimplemented in pocketmine\player\Player.

Definition at line 1697 of file Entity.php.

◆ broadcastMotion()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::broadcastMotion ( )

Definition at line 805 of file Entity.php.

◆ broadcastMovement()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::broadcastMovement ( bool $teleport = false)

Definition at line 787 of file Entity.php.

◆ broadcastSound()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::broadcastSound ( Sound $sound,
?array $targets = null )

Broadcasts a sound caused by the entity. If the entity is considered "silent", the sound will be dropped.

Player[] | null$targets

Reimplemented in pocketmine\player\Player.

Definition at line 1705 of file Entity.php.

◆ canBeCollidedWith()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::canBeCollidedWith ( )

Definition at line 753 of file Entity.php.

◆ canBeMovedByCurrents()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::canBeMovedByCurrents ( )

Returns whether this entity can be moved by currents in liquids.

Reimplemented in pocketmine\entity\object\FallingBlock, and pocketmine\player\Player.

Definition at line 1307 of file Entity.php.

◆ canBeRenamed()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::canBeRenamed ( )

Returns whether players can rename this entity using a name tag. Note that plugins can still name entities using setNameTag().

Reimplemented in pocketmine\entity\Living, and pocketmine\player\Player.

Definition at line 262 of file Entity.php.

◆ canClimb()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::canClimb ( )

Returns whether the entity is able to climb blocks such as ladders or vines.

Definition at line 371 of file Entity.php.

◆ canClimbWalls()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::canClimbWalls ( )

Returns whether this entity is climbing a block. By default this is only true if the entity is climbing a ladder or vine or similar block.

Definition at line 386 of file Entity.php.

◆ canCollideWith()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::canCollideWith ( Entity $entity)

Definition at line 749 of file Entity.php.

◆ canSaveWithChunk()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::canSaveWithChunk ( )

Returns whether this entity will be saved when its chunk is unloaded.

Reimplemented in pocketmine\entity\object\ItemEntity, and pocketmine\player\Player.

Definition at line 462 of file Entity.php.

◆ checkBlockIntersections()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::checkBlockIntersections ( )

Definition at line 1311 of file Entity.php.

◆ checkGroundState()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::checkGroundState ( float $wantedX,
float $wantedY,
float $wantedZ,
float $dx,
float $dy,
float $dz )

Definition at line 1255 of file Entity.php.

◆ checkObstruction()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::checkObstruction ( float $x,
float $y,
float $z )

Definition at line 854 of file Entity.php.

◆ close()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::close ( )

Closes the entity and frees attached references.

WARNING: Entities are unusable after this has been executed!

Definition at line 1597 of file Entity.php.

◆ dealFireDamage()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::dealFireDamage ( )

Called to deal damage to entities when they are on fire.

Definition at line 744 of file Entity.php.

◆ despawnFrom()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::despawnFrom ( Player $player,
bool $send = true )
WARNING: This function DOES NOT permanently hide the entity from the player. As soon as the entity or player moves, the player will once again be able to see the entity.

Definition at line 1544 of file Entity.php.

◆ despawnFromAll()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::despawnFromAll ( )
WARNING: This function DOES NOT permanently hide the entity from viewers. As soon as the entity or player moves, viewers will once again be able to see the entity.

Definition at line 1558 of file Entity.php.

◆ destroyCycles()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::destroyCycles ( )

Called when the entity is disposed, after all events have been fired. This should be used to perform destructive circular object references and things which could impact memory usage.

It is expected that the object is unusable after this is called.

Reimplemented in pocketmine\entity\Human, pocketmine\entity\Living, and pocketmine\player\Player.

Definition at line 1630 of file Entity.php.

◆ doOnFireTick()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::doOnFireTick ( int $tickDiff = 1)

Definition at line 720 of file Entity.php.

◆ entityBaseTick()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::entityBaseTick ( int $tickDiff = 1)

Definition at line 637 of file Entity.php.

◆ extinguish()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::extinguish ( )

Definition at line 711 of file Entity.php.

◆ flagForDespawn()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::flagForDespawn ( )

Flags the entity to be removed from the world on the next tick.

Definition at line 1576 of file Entity.php.

◆ getAllNetworkData()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getAllNetworkData ( )
MetadataProperty[] @phpstan-return array<int, MetadataProperty>

Definition at line 1663 of file Entity.php.

◆ getAttributeMap()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getAttributeMap ( )

Definition at line 629 of file Entity.php.

◆ getBlocksAroundWithEntityInsideActions()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getBlocksAroundWithEntityInsideActions ( )

Definition at line 1289 of file Entity.php.

◆ getBlocksIntersected()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getBlocksIntersected ( float $inset)

Yields all the blocks whose full-cube areas are intersected by the entity's AABB.

@phpstan-return \Generator<int, Block, void, void>

Definition at line 1267 of file Entity.php.

◆ getBoundingBox()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getBoundingBox ( )

Definition at line 302 of file Entity.php.

◆ getDirectionPlane()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getDirectionPlane ( )

Definition at line 956 of file Entity.php.

◆ getDirectionVector()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getDirectionVector ( )

Definition at line 947 of file Entity.php.

◆ getDirtyNetworkData()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getDirtyNetworkData ( )
MetadataProperty[] @phpstan-return array<int, MetadataProperty>

Definition at line 1651 of file Entity.php.

◆ getEyeHeight()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getEyeHeight ( )

Definition at line 1103 of file Entity.php.

◆ getEyePos()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getEyePos ( )

Definition at line 1107 of file Entity.php.

◆ getFallDistance()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getFallDistance ( )

Definition at line 1068 of file Entity.php.

◆ getFireTicks()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getFireTicks ( )

Definition at line 694 of file Entity.php.

◆ getGravity()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getGravity ( )

Definition at line 809 of file Entity.php.

◆ getHealth()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getHealth ( )

Definition at line 586 of file Entity.php.

◆ getHorizontalFacing()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getHorizontalFacing ( )

Definition at line 928 of file Entity.php.

◆ getId()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getId ( )

Definition at line 1476 of file Entity.php.

◆ getInitialDragMultiplier()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getInitialDragMultiplier ( )

Returns the percentage by which the entity's velocity is reduced per tick when moving through air. The entity's velocity is multiplied by 1 minus this value.

float 0-1

Reimplemented in pocketmine\entity\Living, pocketmine\entity\object\EndCrystal, pocketmine\entity\object\ExperienceOrb, pocketmine\entity\object\FallingBlock, pocketmine\entity\object\ItemEntity, pocketmine\entity\object\Painting, pocketmine\entity\object\PrimedTNT, pocketmine\entity\projectile\Arrow, and pocketmine\entity\projectile\Throwable.

◆ getInitialGravity()

◆ getLastDamageCause()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getLastDamageCause ( )

Definition at line 625 of file Entity.php.

◆ getLocation()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getLocation ( )

Definition at line 1337 of file Entity.php.

◆ getMaxHealth()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getMaxHealth ( )

Definition at line 613 of file Entity.php.

◆ getMotion()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getMotion ( )

Definition at line 1400 of file Entity.php.

◆ getNameTag()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getNameTag ( )

Definition at line 246 of file Entity.php.

◆ getNetworkProperties()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getNetworkProperties ( )

Definition at line 633 of file Entity.php.

◆ getOffsetPosition()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getOffsetPosition ( Vector3 $vector3)

Definition at line 783 of file Entity.php.

◆ getOwningEntity()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getOwningEntity ( )

Returns the owning entity, or null if the entity was not found.

Definition at line 408 of file Entity.php.

References pocketmine\server().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getOwningEntityId()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getOwningEntityId ( )

Returns the entity ID of the owning entity, or null if the entity doesn't have an owner.

Definition at line 401 of file Entity.php.

◆ getPickedItem()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getPickedItem ( )

◆ getPosition()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getPosition ( )

Definition at line 1333 of file Entity.php.

◆ getScale()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getScale ( )

Definition at line 290 of file Entity.php.

◆ getScoreTag()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getScoreTag ( )

Definition at line 281 of file Entity.php.

◆ getSize()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getSize ( )

Definition at line 319 of file Entity.php.

◆ getTargetEntity()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getTargetEntity ( )

Returns the entity's target entity, or null if not found. This is used for things like hostile mobs attacking entities, and for fishing rods reeling hit entities in.

Definition at line 439 of file Entity.php.

References pocketmine\server().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getTargetEntityId()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getTargetEntityId ( )

Returns the entity ID of the entity's target, or null if it doesn't have a target.

Definition at line 431 of file Entity.php.

◆ getViewers()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getViewers ( )

Definition at line 1483 of file Entity.php.

◆ getWorld()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getWorld ( )

Definition at line 1341 of file Entity.php.

◆ hasGravity()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::hasGravity ( )

Definition at line 818 of file Entity.php.

◆ hasMovementUpdate()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::hasMovementUpdate ( )

Returns whether the entity needs a movement update on the next tick.

Reimplemented in pocketmine\entity\object\Painting, and pocketmine\entity\projectile\Projectile.

Definition at line 1058 of file Entity.php.

◆ hasNoClientPredictions()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::hasNoClientPredictions ( )

Returns whether clients may predict this entity's behaviour and movement. Used for things like water movement, burning, and movement smoothing (interpolation).

Definition at line 333 of file Entity.php.

◆ heal()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::heal ( EntityRegainHealthEvent $source)

Definition at line 551 of file Entity.php.

◆ initEntity()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::initEntity ( CompoundTag $nbt)

Definition at line 509 of file Entity.php.

◆ isAlive()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::isAlive ( )

Definition at line 582 of file Entity.php.

◆ isClosed()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::isClosed ( )

Returns whether the entity has been "closed".

Definition at line 1588 of file Entity.php.

◆ isFireProof()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::isFireProof ( )

Definition at line 716 of file Entity.php.

◆ isFlaggedForDespawn()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::isFlaggedForDespawn ( )

Definition at line 1581 of file Entity.php.

◆ isInsideOfSolid()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::isInsideOfSolid ( )

Definition at line 1133 of file Entity.php.

◆ isInvisible()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::isInvisible ( )

Definition at line 350 of file Entity.php.

◆ isNameTagAlwaysVisible()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::isNameTagAlwaysVisible ( )

Definition at line 254 of file Entity.php.

◆ isNameTagVisible()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::isNameTagVisible ( )

Definition at line 250 of file Entity.php.

◆ isOnFire()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::isOnFire ( )

Definition at line 682 of file Entity.php.

◆ isOnGround()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::isOnGround ( )

Definition at line 1433 of file Entity.php.

◆ isSilent()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::isSilent ( )

Definition at line 359 of file Entity.php.

◆ isUnderwater()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::isUnderwater ( )

Definition at line 1122 of file Entity.php.

◆ kill()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::kill ( )

Definition at line 560 of file Entity.php.

◆ move()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::move ( float $dx,
float $dy,
float $dz )

Definition at line 1139 of file Entity.php.

◆ nextRuntimeId()

static pocketmine\entity\Entity::nextRuntimeId ( )

Returns a new runtime entity ID for a new entity.

Definition at line 101 of file Entity.php.

◆ onCollideWithPlayer()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::onCollideWithPlayer ( Player $player)

Definition at line 1111 of file Entity.php.

◆ onDeath()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::onDeath ( )

Override this to do actions on death.

Reimplemented in pocketmine\entity\Living, pocketmine\entity\object\Painting, and pocketmine\player\Player.

Definition at line 571 of file Entity.php.

◆ onDeathUpdate()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::onDeathUpdate ( int $tickDiff)

Called to tick entities while dead. Returns whether the entity should be flagged for despawn yet.

Reimplemented in pocketmine\entity\Living, and pocketmine\player\Player.

Definition at line 578 of file Entity.php.

◆ onDispose()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::onDispose ( )

Called when the entity is disposed to clean up things like viewers. This SHOULD NOT destroy internal state, because it may be needed by descendent classes.

Reimplemented in pocketmine\entity\Human, pocketmine\entity\Living, and pocketmine\player\Player.

Definition at line 1617 of file Entity.php.

◆ onFirstUpdate()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::onFirstUpdate ( int $currentTick)

Called from onUpdate() on the first tick of a new entity. This is called before any movement processing or main ticking logic. Use this to fire any events related to spawning the entity.

Reimplemented in pocketmine\entity\object\ItemEntity.

Definition at line 964 of file Entity.php.

◆ onHitGround()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::onHitGround ( )

Called when a falling entity hits the ground.

Reimplemented in pocketmine\entity\Living, and pocketmine\entity\object\FallingBlock.

Definition at line 1099 of file Entity.php.

◆ onInteract()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::onInteract ( Player $player,
Vector3 $clickPos )

Called when interacted or tapped by a Player. Returns whether something happened as a result of the interaction.

Definition at line 1118 of file Entity.php.

◆ onNearbyBlockChange()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::onNearbyBlockChange ( )

Definition at line 1032 of file Entity.php.

◆ onRandomUpdate()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::onRandomUpdate ( )

Called when a random update is performed on the chunk the entity is in. This happens when the chunk is within the ticking chunk range of a player (or chunk loader).

Reimplemented in pocketmine\entity\object\Painting.

Definition at line 1041 of file Entity.php.

◆ onUpdate()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::onUpdate ( int $currentTick)

Definition at line 968 of file Entity.php.

◆ recalculateBoundingBox()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::recalculateBoundingBox ( )

Definition at line 306 of file Entity.php.

◆ resetFallDistance()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::resetFallDistance ( )

Definition at line 1074 of file Entity.php.

◆ resetLastMovements()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::resetLastMovements ( )

Definition at line 1395 of file Entity.php.

◆ respawnToAll()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::respawnToAll ( )

Definition at line 1533 of file Entity.php.

◆ saveNBT()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::saveNBT ( )

Definition at line 474 of file Entity.php.

◆ scheduleUpdate()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::scheduleUpdate ( )

Definition at line 1025 of file Entity.php.

◆ sendData()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::sendData ( ?array $targets,
?array $data = null )
Player[] | null$targets
MetadataProperty[]$dataProperly formatted entity data, defaults to everything

@phpstan-param array<int, MetadataProperty> $data

Reimplemented in pocketmine\player\Player.

Definition at line 1640 of file Entity.php.

◆ sendSpawnPacket()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::sendSpawnPacket ( Player $player)

Called by spawnTo() to send whatever packets needed to spawn the entity to the client.

Reimplemented in pocketmine\entity\Human, pocketmine\entity\Living, pocketmine\entity\object\ItemEntity, and pocketmine\entity\object\Painting.

Definition at line 1492 of file Entity.php.

◆ setCanClimb()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::setCanClimb ( bool $value = true)

Sets whether the entity is able to climb climbable blocks.

Definition at line 378 of file Entity.php.

◆ setCanClimbWalls()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::setCanClimbWalls ( bool $value = true)

Sets whether the entity is climbing a block. If true, the entity can climb anything.

Definition at line 393 of file Entity.php.

◆ setCanSaveWithChunk()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::setCanSaveWithChunk ( bool $value)

Sets whether this entity will be saved when its chunk is unloaded. This can be used to prevent the entity being saved to disk.

Reimplemented in pocketmine\player\Player.

Definition at line 470 of file Entity.php.

◆ setFallDistance()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::setFallDistance ( float $fallDistance)

Definition at line 1070 of file Entity.php.

◆ setFireTicks()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::setFireTicks ( int $fireTicks)


Definition at line 701 of file Entity.php.

◆ setForceMovementUpdate()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::setForceMovementUpdate ( bool $value = true)

Flags the entity as needing a movement update on the next tick. Setting this forces a movement update even if the entity's motion is zero. Used to trigger movement updates when blocks change near entities.

Definition at line 1049 of file Entity.php.

◆ setGravity()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::setGravity ( float $gravity)

Definition at line 813 of file Entity.php.

◆ setHasGravity()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::setHasGravity ( bool $v = true)

Definition at line 822 of file Entity.php.

◆ setHealth()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::setHealth ( float $amount)

Sets the health of the Entity. This won't send any update to the players

Reimplemented in pocketmine\entity\Living.

Definition at line 593 of file Entity.php.

◆ setInvisible()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::setInvisible ( bool $value = true)

Definition at line 354 of file Entity.php.

◆ setLastDamageCause()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::setLastDamageCause ( EntityDamageEvent $type)

Definition at line 621 of file Entity.php.

◆ setMaxHealth()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::setMaxHealth ( int $amount)

Definition at line 617 of file Entity.php.

◆ setMotion()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::setMotion ( Vector3 $motion)

Definition at line 1404 of file Entity.php.

◆ setNameTag()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::setNameTag ( string $name)

Definition at line 266 of file Entity.php.

◆ setNameTagAlwaysVisible()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::setNameTagAlwaysVisible ( bool $value = true)

Definition at line 276 of file Entity.php.

◆ setNameTagVisible()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::setNameTagVisible ( bool $value = true)

Definition at line 271 of file Entity.php.

◆ setNoClientPredictions()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::setNoClientPredictions ( bool $value = true)

Things such as movement in water, burning, etc. may be predicted by the client. This is sometimes not desirable, since server-side logic may differ from client-side prediction. However, things like movement smoothing (interpolation) are also controlled by this, so it should be used with care.

Setting this flag will also disable player movement inputs, but this should not be relied on, as cheat clients will be able to bypass it.

Definition at line 345 of file Entity.php.

◆ setOnFire()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::setOnFire ( int $seconds)

Definition at line 686 of file Entity.php.

◆ setOwningEntity()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::setOwningEntity ( ?Entity $owner)

Sets the owner of the entity. Passing null will remove the current owner.


InvalidArgumentException if the supplied entity is not valid

Definition at line 417 of file Entity.php.

◆ setPosition()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::setPosition ( Vector3 $pos)

Definition at line 1345 of file Entity.php.

◆ setPositionAndRotation()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::setPositionAndRotation ( Vector3 $pos,
float $yaw,
float $pitch )

Definition at line 1385 of file Entity.php.

◆ setRotation()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::setRotation ( float $yaw,
float $pitch )

Definition at line 1377 of file Entity.php.

◆ setScale()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::setScale ( float $value)

Definition at line 294 of file Entity.php.

◆ setScoreTag()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::setScoreTag ( string $score)

Definition at line 285 of file Entity.php.

◆ setSilent()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::setSilent ( bool $value = true)

Definition at line 363 of file Entity.php.

◆ setSize()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::setSize ( EntitySizeInfo $size)

Definition at line 323 of file Entity.php.

◆ setTargetEntity()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::setTargetEntity ( ?Entity $target)

Sets the entity's target entity. Passing null will remove the current target.


InvalidArgumentException if the target entity is not valid

Definition at line 448 of file Entity.php.

◆ spawnTo()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::spawnTo ( Player $player)

Definition at line 1512 of file Entity.php.

◆ spawnToAll()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::spawnToAll ( )

Definition at line 1524 of file Entity.php.

◆ syncNetworkData()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::syncNetworkData ( EntityMetadataCollection $properties)

Definition at line 1671 of file Entity.php.

◆ teleport()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::teleport ( Vector3 $pos,
?float $yaw = null,
?float $pitch = null )
Vector3 | Position | Location$pos

Reimplemented in pocketmine\player\Player.

Definition at line 1440 of file Entity.php.

Referenced by pocketmine\item\ChorusFruit\onConsume().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tryChangeMovement()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::tryChangeMovement ( )

Definition at line 830 of file Entity.php.

◆ updateFallState()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::updateFallState ( float $distanceThisTick,
bool $onGround )

Definition at line 1078 of file Entity.php.

◆ updateMovement()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::updateMovement ( bool $teleport = false)

Definition at line 757 of file Entity.php.

Member Data Documentation

◆ $alwaysShowNameTag

bool pocketmine\entity\Entity::$alwaysShowNameTag = false

Definition at line 171 of file Entity.php.

◆ $attributeMap

AttributeMap pocketmine\entity\Entity::$attributeMap

Definition at line 153 of file Entity.php.

◆ $blocksAround

array pocketmine\entity\Entity::$blocksAround = null

Definition at line 118 of file Entity.php.

◆ $boundingBox

AxisAlignedBB pocketmine\entity\Entity::$boundingBox

Definition at line 127 of file Entity.php.

◆ $canClimb

bool pocketmine\entity\Entity::$canClimb = false

Definition at line 175 of file Entity.php.

◆ $canClimbWalls

bool pocketmine\entity\Entity::$canClimbWalls = false

Definition at line 176 of file Entity.php.

◆ $closed

bool pocketmine\entity\Entity::$closed = false

Definition at line 161 of file Entity.php.

◆ $drag

float pocketmine\entity\Entity::$drag

Definition at line 156 of file Entity.php.

◆ $fallDistance

float pocketmine\entity\Entity::$fallDistance = 0.0

Definition at line 139 of file Entity.php.

◆ $fireTicks

int pocketmine\entity\Entity::$fireTicks = 0

Definition at line 142 of file Entity.php.

◆ $forceMovementUpdate

bool pocketmine\entity\Entity::$forceMovementUpdate = false

Definition at line 124 of file Entity.php.

◆ $gravity

float pocketmine\entity\Entity::$gravity

Definition at line 155 of file Entity.php.

◆ $gravityEnabled

bool pocketmine\entity\Entity::$gravityEnabled = true

Definition at line 157 of file Entity.php.

◆ $hasSpawned

array pocketmine\entity\Entity::$hasSpawned = []

Definition at line 109 of file Entity.php.

◆ $id

int pocketmine\entity\Entity::$id

Definition at line 111 of file Entity.php.

◆ $invisible

bool pocketmine\entity\Entity::$invisible = false

Definition at line 178 of file Entity.php.

◆ $isCollided

bool pocketmine\entity\Entity::$isCollided = false

Definition at line 146 of file Entity.php.

◆ $isCollidedHorizontally

bool pocketmine\entity\Entity::$isCollidedHorizontally = false

Definition at line 147 of file Entity.php.

◆ $isCollidedVertically

bool pocketmine\entity\Entity::$isCollidedVertically = false

Definition at line 148 of file Entity.php.

◆ $justCreated

bool pocketmine\entity\Entity::$justCreated = true

Definition at line 151 of file Entity.php.

◆ $keepMovement

bool pocketmine\entity\Entity::$keepMovement = false

Definition at line 137 of file Entity.php.

◆ $lastDamageCause

EntityDamageEvent pocketmine\entity\Entity::$lastDamageCause = null

Definition at line 115 of file Entity.php.

◆ $lastLocation

Location pocketmine\entity\Entity::$lastLocation

Definition at line 121 of file Entity.php.

◆ $lastMotion

Vector3 pocketmine\entity\Entity::$lastMotion

Definition at line 123 of file Entity.php.

◆ $lastUpdate

int pocketmine\entity\Entity::$lastUpdate

Definition at line 141 of file Entity.php.

◆ $location

Location pocketmine\entity\Entity::$location

Definition at line 120 of file Entity.php.

◆ $motion

Vector3 pocketmine\entity\Entity::$motion

Definition at line 122 of file Entity.php.

◆ $nameTag

string pocketmine\entity\Entity::$nameTag = ""

Definition at line 169 of file Entity.php.

◆ $nameTagVisible

bool pocketmine\entity\Entity::$nameTagVisible = true

Definition at line 170 of file Entity.php.

◆ $networkPropertiesDirty

bool pocketmine\entity\Entity::$networkPropertiesDirty = false

Definition at line 167 of file Entity.php.

◆ $noClientPredictions

bool pocketmine\entity\Entity::$noClientPredictions = false

Definition at line 177 of file Entity.php.

◆ $noDamageTicks

int pocketmine\entity\Entity::$noDamageTicks = 0

Definition at line 150 of file Entity.php.

◆ $onGround

bool pocketmine\entity\Entity::$onGround = false

Definition at line 128 of file Entity.php.

◆ $ownerId

int pocketmine\entity\Entity::$ownerId = null

Definition at line 181 of file Entity.php.

◆ $scale

float pocketmine\entity\Entity::$scale = 1.0

Definition at line 173 of file Entity.php.

◆ $scoreTag

string pocketmine\entity\Entity::$scoreTag = ""

Definition at line 172 of file Entity.php.

◆ $server

Server pocketmine\entity\Entity::$server

Definition at line 159 of file Entity.php.

◆ $silent

bool pocketmine\entity\Entity::$silent = false

Definition at line 179 of file Entity.php.

◆ $size

EntitySizeInfo pocketmine\entity\Entity::$size

Definition at line 130 of file Entity.php.

◆ $stepHeight

float pocketmine\entity\Entity::$stepHeight = 0.0

Definition at line 136 of file Entity.php.

◆ $targetId

int pocketmine\entity\Entity::$targetId = null

Definition at line 182 of file Entity.php.

◆ $ticksLived

int pocketmine\entity\Entity::$ticksLived = 0

Definition at line 140 of file Entity.php.

◆ $timings

TimingsHandler pocketmine\entity\Entity::$timings

Definition at line 165 of file Entity.php.

◆ $ySize

float pocketmine\entity\Entity::$ySize = 0.0

Definition at line 135 of file Entity.php.


const pocketmine\entity\Entity::MOTION_THRESHOLD = 0.00001

Definition at line 84 of file Entity.php.


const pocketmine\entity\Entity::STEP_CLIP_MULTIPLIER = 0.4

Definition at line 85 of file Entity.php.


const pocketmine\entity\Entity::TAG_MOTION = "Motion"

Definition at line 93 of file Entity.php.


const pocketmine\entity\Entity::TAG_POS = "Pos"

Definition at line 92 of file Entity.php.


const pocketmine\entity\Entity::TAG_ROTATION = "Rotation"

Definition at line 94 of file Entity.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: