PocketMine-MP 5.24.1 git-9d6a0cc7385976fb350f6f919ecc5580b508a783
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pocketmine\player\Player Class Reference
+ Inheritance diagram for pocketmine\player\Player:
+ Collaboration diagram for pocketmine\player\Player:

Public Member Functions

 __construct (Server $server, NetworkSession $session, PlayerInfo $playerInfo, bool $authenticated, Location $spawnLocation, ?CompoundTag $namedtag)
 __debugInfo ()
 __toString ()
 addAttachment (Plugin $plugin, ?string $name=null, ?bool $value=null)
 addMotion (float $x, float $y, float $z)
 applyDamageModifiers (EntityDamageEvent $source)
 attack (EntityDamageEvent $source)
 attackBlock (Vector3 $pos, int $face)
 attackEntity (Entity $entity)
 breakBlock (Vector3 $pos)
 broadcastAnimation (Animation $animation, ?array $targets=null)
 broadcastSound (Sound $sound, ?array $targets=null)
 canBeCollidedWith ()
 canBeMovedByCurrents ()
 canBeRenamed ()
 canBreathe ()
 canClimb ()
 canClimbWalls ()
 canCollideWith (Entity $entity)
 canEat ()
 canInteract (Vector3 $pos, float $maxDistance, float $maxDiff=M_SQRT3/2)
 canSaveWithChunk ()
 canSee (Player $player)
 changeSkin (Skin $skin, string $newSkinName, string $oldSkinName)
 chat (string $message)
 close ()
 closeAllForms ()
 consumeHeldItem ()
 consumeObject (Consumable $consumable)
 continueBreakBlock (Vector3 $pos, int $face)
 damageArmor (float $damage)
 despawnFrom (Player $player, bool $send=true)
 despawnFromAll ()
 disconnect (Translatable|string $reason, Translatable|string|null $quitMessage=null, Translatable|string|null $disconnectScreenMessage=null)
 doChunkRequests ()
 doFirstSpawn ()
 dropItem (Item $item)
 emote (string $emoteId)
 extinguish ()
 flagForDespawn ()
 getAbsorption ()
 getAirSupplyTicks ()
 getAllowFlight ()
 getArmorInventory ()
 getArmorPoints ()
 getAttributeMap ()
 getBoundingBox ()
 getCraftingGrid ()
 getCreativeInventory ()
 getCurrentWindow ()
 getCursorInventory ()
 getDeathPosition ()
 getDirectionPlane ()
 getDirectionVector ()
 getDisplayName ()
 getDrops ()
 getEffectivePermissions ()
 getEffects ()
 getEnchantmentSeed ()
 getEnderInventory ()
 getEyeHeight ()
 getEyePos ()
 getFallDistance ()
 getFireTicks ()
 getFirstPlayed ()
 getFlightSpeedMultiplier ()
 getFrostWalkerLevel ()
 getGamemode ()
 getGravity ()
 getHealth ()
 getHighestArmorEnchantmentLevel (Enchantment $enchantment)
 getHorizontalFacing ()
 getHungerManager ()
 getId ()
 getInAirTicks ()
 getInventory ()
 getItemCooldownExpiry (Item $item)
 getItemUseDuration ()
 getJumpVelocity ()
 getLanguage ()
 getLastDamageCause ()
 getLastPlayed ()
 getLeaveMessage ()
 getLineOfSight (int $maxDistance, int $maxLength=0, array $transparent=[])
 getLocale ()
 getLocation ()
 getMaxAirSupplyTicks ()
 getMaxHealth ()
 getMotion ()
 getMovementSpeed ()
 getName ()
 getNameTag ()
 getNetworkProperties ()
 getNetworkSession ()
 getOffHandInventory ()
 getOffsetPosition (Vector3 $vector3)
 getOwningEntity ()
 getOwningEntityId ()
 getPermissionRecalculationCallbacks ()
 getPickedItem ()
 getPlayerInfo ()
 getPosition ()
 getSaveData ()
 getScale ()
 getScoreTag ()
 getScreenLineHeight ()
 getServer ()
 getSize ()
 getSkin ()
 getSpawn ()
 getTargetBlock (int $maxDistance, array $transparent=[])
 getTargetEntity ()
 getTargetEntityId ()
 getUniqueId ()
 getUsedChunks ()
 getUsedChunkStatus (int $chunkX, int $chunkZ)
 getViewDistance ()
 getViewers ()
 getWorld ()
 getXpDropAmount ()
 getXpManager ()
 getXuid ()
 handleMovement (Vector3 $newPos)
 hasAutoJump ()
 hasBlockCollision ()
 hasFiniteResources ()
 hasGravity ()
 hasItemCooldown (Item $item)
 hasMovementUpdate ()
 hasNoClientPredictions ()
 hasPermission (Permission|string $name)
 hasPlayedBefore ()
 hasReceivedChunk (int $chunkX, int $chunkZ)
 hasValidCustomSpawn ()
 heal (EntityRegainHealthEvent $source)
 hidePlayer (Player $player)
 interactBlock (Vector3 $pos, int $face, Vector3 $clickOffset)
 interactEntity (Entity $entity, Vector3 $clickPos)
 isAdventure (bool $literal=false)
 isAlive ()
 isAuthenticated ()
 isBreathing ()
 isClosed ()
 isConnected ()
 isCreative (bool $literal=false)
 isFireProof ()
 isFlaggedForDespawn ()
 isFlying ()
 isGliding ()
 isInsideOfSolid ()
 isInvisible ()
 isNameTagAlwaysVisible ()
 isNameTagVisible ()
 isOnFire ()
 isOnGround ()
 isOnline ()
 isPermissionSet (Permission|string $name)
 isSilent ()
 isSleeping ()
 isSneaking ()
 isSpectator ()
 isSprinting ()
 isSurvival (bool $literal=false)
 isSwimming ()
 isUnderwater ()
 isUsingChunk (int $chunkX, int $chunkZ)
 isUsingItem ()
 jump ()
 kick (Translatable|string $reason="", Translatable|string|null $quitMessage=null, Translatable|string|null $disconnectScreenMessage=null)
 kill ()
 knockBack (float $x, float $z, float $force=self::DEFAULT_KNOCKBACK_FORCE, ?float $verticalLimit=self::DEFAULT_KNOCKBACK_VERTICAL_LIMIT)
 lookAt (Vector3 $target)
 missSwing ()
 onAirExpired ()
 onBlockChanged (Vector3 $block)
onChunkUnloaded as onChunkChanged (int $chunkX, int $chunkZ, Chunk $chunk)
 onChunkLoaded (int $chunkX, int $chunkZ, Chunk $chunk)
 onChunkPopulated (int $chunkX, int $chunkZ, Chunk $chunk)
 onChunkUnloaded (int $chunkX, int $chunkZ, Chunk $chunk)
 onCollideWithPlayer (Player $player)
 onFormSubmit (int $formId, mixed $responseData)
 onInteract (Player $player, Vector3 $clickPos)
 onNearbyBlockChange ()
 onPostDisconnect (Translatable|string $reason, Translatable|string|null $quitMessage)
 onRandomUpdate ()
 onUpdate (int $currentTick)
 openSignEditor (Vector3 $position)
 pickBlock (Vector3 $pos, bool $addTileNBT)
 pickEntity (int $entityId)
 recalculatePermissions ()
 regenerateEnchantmentSeed ()
 releaseHeldItem ()
 removeAttachment (PermissionAttachment $attachment)
 removeCurrentWindow ()
 removeTitles ()
 resetFallDistance ()
 resetItemCooldown (Item $item, ?int $ticks=null)
 resetTitles ()
 respawn ()
 respawnToAll ()
 save ()
 saveNBT ()
 scheduleUpdate ()
 selectHotbarSlot (int $hotbarSlot)
 sendActionBarMessage (string $message)
 sendData (?array $targets, ?array $data=null)
 sendForm (Form $form)
 sendJukeboxPopup (Translatable|string $message)
 sendMessage (Translatable|string $message)
 sendPopup (string $message)
 sendSkin (?array $targets=null)
 sendSubTitle (string $subtitle)
 sendTip (string $message)
 sendTitle (string $title, string $subtitle="", int $fadeIn=-1, int $stay=-1, int $fadeOut=-1)
 sendToastNotification (string $title, string $body)
 setAbsorption (float $absorption)
 setAirSupplyTicks (int $ticks)
 setAllowFlight (bool $value)
 setAutoJump (bool $value)
 setBasePermission (Permission|string $name, bool $grant)
 setBreathing (bool $value=true)
 setCanClimb (bool $value=true)
 setCanClimbWalls (bool $value=true)
 setCanSaveWithChunk (bool $value)
 setCreativeInventory (CreativeInventory $inventory)
 setCurrentWindow (Inventory $inventory)
 setDeathPosition (?Vector3 $pos)
 setDisplayName (string $name)
 setEnchantmentSeed (int $seed)
 setFallDistance (float $fallDistance)
 setFireTicks (int $fireTicks)
 setFlightSpeedMultiplier (float $flightSpeedMultiplier)
 setFlying (bool $value)
 setForceMovementUpdate (bool $value=true)
 setGamemode (GameMode $gm)
 setGliding (bool $value=true)
 setGravity (float $gravity)
 setHasBlockCollision (bool $value)
 setHasGravity (bool $v=true)
 setHealth (float $amount)
 setInvisible (bool $value=true)
 setLastDamageCause (EntityDamageEvent $type)
 setMaxAirSupplyTicks (int $ticks)
 setMaxHealth (int $amount)
 setMotion (Vector3 $motion)
 setMovementSpeed (float $v, bool $fit=false)
 setNameTag (string $name)
 setNameTagAlwaysVisible (bool $value=true)
 setNameTagVisible (bool $value=true)
 setNoClientPredictions (bool $value=true)
 setOnFire (int $seconds)
 setOwningEntity (?Entity $owner)
 setRotation (float $yaw, float $pitch)
 setScale (float $value)
 setScoreTag (string $score)
 setScreenLineHeight (?int $height)
 setSilent (bool $value=true)
 setSkin (Skin $skin)
 setSneaking (bool $value=true)
 setSpawn (?Vector3 $pos)
 setSprinting (bool $value=true)
 setSwimming (bool $value=true)
 setTargetEntity (?Entity $target)
 setTitleDuration (int $fadeIn, int $stay, int $fadeOut)
 setUsingItem (bool $value)
 setViewDistance (int $distance)
 showPlayer (Player $player)
 sleepOn (Vector3 $pos)
 spawnTo (Player $player)
 spawnToAll ()
 stopBreakBlock (Vector3 $pos)
 stopSleep ()
 teleport (Vector3 $pos, ?float $yaw=null, ?float $pitch=null)
 toggleFlight (bool $fly)
 toggleGlide (bool $glide)
 toggleSneak (bool $sneak)
 toggleSprint (bool $sprint)
 toggleSwim (bool $swim)
 transfer (string $address, int $port=19132, Translatable|string|null $message=null)
 unsetBasePermission (Permission|string $name)
 useHeldItem ()

Static Public Member Functions

static getNetworkTypeId ()
static isValidUserName (?string $name)
static nextRuntimeId ()
static parseSkinNBT (CompoundTag $nbt)

Public Attributes

AxisAlignedBB $boundingBox
int $deadTicks = 0
float $fallDistance = 0.0
bool $isCollided = false
bool $isCollidedHorizontally = false
bool $isCollidedVertically = false
bool $keepMovement = false
int $lastUpdate
int $noDamageTicks = 0
bool $onGround = false
EntitySizeInfo $size
bool $spawned = false
int $ticksLived = 0
const MOTION_THRESHOLD = 0.00001
const TAG_FIRST_PLAYED = "firstPlayed"
const TAG_LAST_PLAYED = "lastPlayed"
const TAG_LEVEL = "Level"
const TAG_MOTION = "Motion"
const TAG_POS = "Pos"
const TAG_ROTATION = "Rotation"

Protected Member Functions

 actuallyRespawn ()
 addAttributes ()
 addDefaultWindows ()
 addPermanentInventories (Inventory ... $inventories)
 applyConsumptionResults (Consumable $consumable)
 applyDragBeforeGravity ()
 applyFrostWalker (int $level)
 applyPostDamageEffects (EntityDamageEvent $source)
 broadcastMotion ()
 broadcastMovement (bool $teleport=false)
 calculateFallDamage (float $fallDistance)
 checkBlockIntersections ()
 checkGroundState (float $wantedX, float $wantedY, float $wantedZ, float $dx, float $dy, float $dz)
 checkItemCooldowns ()
 checkNearEntities ()
 checkObstruction (float $x, float $y, float $z)
 dealFireDamage ()
 destroyCycles ()
 doAirSupplyTick (int $tickDiff)
 doHitAnimation ()
 doOnFireTick (int $tickDiff=1)
 endDeathAnimation ()
 entityBaseTick (int $tickDiff=1)
 getAllNetworkData ()
 getBlocksAroundWithEntityInsideActions ()
 getBlocksIntersected (float $inset)
 getDirtyNetworkData ()
 getInitialDragMultiplier ()
 getInitialGravity ()
 getInitialSizeInfo ()
 initEntity (CompoundTag $nbt)
 initHumanData (CompoundTag $nbt)
 internalSetGameMode (GameMode $gameMode)
 move (float $dx, float $dy, float $dz)
 onDeath ()
 onDeathUpdate (int $tickDiff)
 onDispose ()
 onFirstUpdate (int $currentTick)
 onHitGround ()
 orderChunks ()
 processMostRecentMovements ()
 recalculateBoundingBox ()
 removePermanentInventories ()
 requestChunks ()
 resetLastMovements ()
 revertMovement (Location $from)
 sendPosition (Vector3 $pos, ?float $yaw=null, ?float $pitch=null, int $mode=MovePlayerPacket::MODE_NORMAL)
 sendSpawnPacket (Player $player)
 setPosition (Vector3 $pos)
 setPositionAndRotation (Vector3 $pos, float $yaw, float $pitch)
 setSize (EntitySizeInfo $size)
 spawnEntitiesOnAllChunks ()
 spawnEntitiesOnChunk (int $chunkX, int $chunkZ)
 startDeathAnimation ()
 syncNetworkData (EntityMetadataCollection $properties)
 tryChangeMovement ()
 unloadChunk (int $x, int $z, ?World $world=null)
 updateFallState (float $distanceThisTick, bool $onGround)
 updateMovement (bool $teleport=false)

Protected Attributes

Attribute $absorptionAttr
bool $allowFlight = false
bool $alwaysShowNameTag = false
ArmorInventory $armorInventory
int $attackTime = 0
AttributeMap $attributeMap
bool $authenticated
bool $autoJump = true
SurvivalBlockBreakHandler $blockBreakHandler = null
bool $blockCollision = true
array $blocksAround = null
bool $breathing = true
int $breathTicks = self::DEFAULT_BREATH_TICKS
bool $canClimb = false
bool $canClimbWalls = false
ChunkLoader $chunkLoader
ChunkSelector $chunkSelector
int $chunksPerTick
ChunkTicker $chunkTicker
bool $closed = false
PlayerCraftingInventory $craftingGrid
CreativeInventory $creativeInventory
Inventory $currentWindow = null
PlayerCursorInventory $cursorInventory
string $displayName
float $drag
EffectManager $effectManager
PlayerEnderInventory $enderInventory
int $fireTicks = 0
int $firstPlayed
float $flightSpeedMultiplier = self::DEFAULT_FLIGHT_SPEED_MULTIPLIER
bool $flying = false
bool $forceMovementUpdate = false
int $formIdCounter = 0
array $forms = []
GameMode $gamemode
bool $gliding = false
float $gravity
bool $gravityEnabled = true
array $hasSpawned = []
Attribute $healthAttr
array $hiddenPlayers = []
HungerManager $hungerManager
int $id
int $inAirTicks = 0
PlayerInventory $inventory
bool $invisible = false
float $jumpVelocity = 0.42
bool $justCreated = true
Attribute $knockbackResistanceAttr
EntityDamageEvent $lastDamageCause = null
Location $lastLocation
Vector3 $lastMotion
float $lastMovementProcess = null
int $lastPlayed
int $lineHeight = null
array $loadQueue = []
string $locale = "en_US"
Location $location
Logger $logger
int $maxBreathTicks = self::DEFAULT_BREATH_TICKS
int $maxDeadTicks = 25
int $messageCounter = 2
Vector3 $motion
float $moveRateLimit = 10 * self::MOVES_PER_TICK
Attribute $moveSpeedAttr
string $nameTag = ""
bool $nameTagVisible = true
bool $networkPropertiesDirty = false
NetworkSession $networkSession
int $nextChunkOrderRun = 5
bool $noClientPredictions = false
PlayerOffHandInventory $offHandInventory
int $ownerId = null
array $permanentWindows = []
PlayerInfo $playerInfo
float $scale = 1.0
string $scoreTag = ""
Server $server
bool $silent = false
Skin $skin
Vector3 $sleeping = null
bool $sneaking = false
int $spawnChunkLoadCount = 0
int $spawnThreshold
bool $sprinting = false
int $startAction = -1
float $stepHeight = 0.6
bool $swimming = false
int $targetId = null
TimingsHandler $timings
array $usedChunks = []
array $usedItemsCooldown = []
string $username
UuidInterface $uuid
int $viewDistance = -1
ExperienceManager $xpManager
int $xpSeed
string $xuid = ""
float $ySize = 0.0

Detailed Description

Main class that handles networking, recovery, and packet sending to the server part

Definition at line 169 of file Player.php.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ __construct()

pocketmine\player\Player::__construct ( Server $server,
NetworkSession $session,
PlayerInfo $playerInfo,
bool $authenticated,
Location $spawnLocation,
?CompoundTag $namedtag )

Definition at line 314 of file Player.php.

◆ __destruct()

pocketmine\player\Player::__destruct ( )

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Entity.

Definition at line 2422 of file Player.php.

Member Function Documentation

◆ __debugInfo()

pocketmine\player\Player::__debugInfo ( )

Definition at line 2418 of file Player.php.

◆ __toString()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::__toString ( )

Definition at line 1716 of file Entity.php.

◆ actuallyRespawn()

pocketmine\player\Player::actuallyRespawn ( )

Definition at line 2525 of file Player.php.

◆ addAttachment()

pocketmine\permission\Permissible::addAttachment ( Plugin $plugin,
?string $name = null,
?bool $value = null )

◆ addAttributes()

pocketmine\entity\Living::addAttributes ( )

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Entity.

Definition at line 203 of file Living.php.

◆ addDefaultWindows()

pocketmine\player\Player::addDefaultWindows ( )

Definition at line 2682 of file Player.php.

◆ addMotion()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::addMotion ( float $x,
float $y,
float $z )

Adds the given values to the entity's motion vector.

Definition at line 1427 of file Entity.php.

Referenced by pocketmine\entity\effect\LevitationEffect\applyEffect().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addPermanentInventories()

pocketmine\player\Player::addPermanentInventories ( Inventory ... $inventories)

Definition at line 2804 of file Player.php.

◆ applyConsumptionResults()

pocketmine\entity\Human::applyConsumptionResults ( Consumable $consumable)

Applies effects from consuming the object. This shouldn't do any can-consume checks (those are expected to be handled by the caller).

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Living.

Definition at line 209 of file Human.php.

◆ applyDamageModifiers()

pocketmine\entity\Human::applyDamageModifiers ( EntityDamageEvent $source)

Called prior to EntityDamageEvent execution to apply modifications to the event's damage, such as reduction due to effects or armour.

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Living.

Definition at line 374 of file Human.php.

◆ applyDragBeforeGravity()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::applyDragBeforeGravity ( )

Definition at line 827 of file Entity.php.

◆ applyFrostWalker()

pocketmine\entity\Living::applyFrostWalker ( int $level)

Definition at line 716 of file Living.php.

◆ applyPostDamageEffects()

pocketmine\player\Player::applyPostDamageEffects ( EntityDamageEvent $source)

Called after EntityDamageEvent execution to apply post-hurt effects, such as reducing absorption or modifying armour durability. This will not be called by damage sources causing death.

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Human.

Definition at line 2578 of file Player.php.

◆ attack()

pocketmine\player\Player::attack ( EntityDamageEvent $source)

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Living.

Definition at line 2584 of file Player.php.

◆ attackBlock()

pocketmine\player\Player::attackBlock ( Vector3 $pos,
int $face )

Performs a left-click (attack) action on the block.

bool if an action took place successfully

Definition at line 1845 of file Player.php.

◆ attackEntity()

pocketmine\player\Player::attackEntity ( Entity $entity)

Attacks the given entity with the currently-held item. TODO: move this up the class hierarchy

bool if the entity was dealt damage

Definition at line 1947 of file Player.php.

◆ breakBlock()

pocketmine\player\Player::breakBlock ( Vector3 $pos)

Breaks the block at the given position using the currently-held item.

bool if the block was successfully broken, false if a rollback needs to take place.

Definition at line 1896 of file Player.php.

◆ broadcastAnimation()

pocketmine\player\Player::broadcastAnimation ( Animation $animation,
?array $targets = null )
Player[] | null$targets

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Entity.

Definition at line 2629 of file Player.php.

◆ broadcastMotion()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::broadcastMotion ( )

Definition at line 806 of file Entity.php.

◆ broadcastMovement()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::broadcastMovement ( bool $teleport = false)

Definition at line 788 of file Entity.php.

◆ broadcastSound()

pocketmine\player\Player::broadcastSound ( Sound $sound,
?array $targets = null )

Broadcasts a sound caused by the entity. If the entity is considered "silent", the sound will be dropped.

Player[] | null$targets

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Entity.

Definition at line 2637 of file Player.php.

Referenced by pocketmine\item\Armor\onClickAir().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ calculateFallDamage()

pocketmine\player\Player::calculateFallDamage ( float $fallDistance)

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Living.

Definition at line 1461 of file Player.php.

◆ canBeCollidedWith()

pocketmine\player\Player::canBeCollidedWith ( )

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Entity.

Definition at line 618 of file Player.php.

◆ canBeMovedByCurrents()

pocketmine\player\Player::canBeMovedByCurrents ( )

Returns whether this entity can be moved by currents in liquids.

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Entity.

Definition at line 1318 of file Player.php.

◆ canBeRenamed()

pocketmine\player\Player::canBeRenamed ( )

Returns whether players can rename this entity using a name tag. Note that plugins can still name entities using setNameTag().

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Living.

Definition at line 686 of file Player.php.

◆ canBreathe()

pocketmine\player\Player::canBreathe ( )

Returns whether the entity can currently breathe.

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Living.

Definition at line 1549 of file Player.php.

◆ canClimb()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::canClimb ( )

Returns whether the entity is able to climb blocks such as ladders or vines.

Definition at line 372 of file Entity.php.

◆ canClimbWalls()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::canClimbWalls ( )

Returns whether this entity is climbing a block. By default this is only true if the entity is climbing a ladder or vine or similar block.

Definition at line 387 of file Entity.php.

◆ canCollideWith()

pocketmine\player\Player::canCollideWith ( Entity $entity)

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Entity.

Definition at line 614 of file Player.php.

◆ canEat()

pocketmine\player\Player::canEat ( )

Returns whether the Human can eat food. This may return a different result than HungerManager::isHungry(), as HungerManager only handles the hunger bar.

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Human.

Definition at line 1545 of file Player.php.

◆ canInteract()

pocketmine\player\Player::canInteract ( Vector3 $pos,
float $maxDistance,
float $maxDiff = M_SQRT3 / 2 )

Returns whether the player can interact with the specified position. This checks distance and direction.

float$maxDiffdefaults to half of the 3D diagonal width of a block

Definition at line 1558 of file Player.php.

◆ canSaveWithChunk()

pocketmine\player\Player::canSaveWithChunk ( )

Returns whether this entity will be saved when its chunk is unloaded.

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Entity.

Definition at line 2427 of file Player.php.

◆ canSee()

pocketmine\player\Player::canSee ( Player $player)

Definition at line 592 of file Player.php.

◆ changeSkin()

pocketmine\player\Player::changeSkin ( Skin $skin,
string $newSkinName,
string $oldSkinName )

Called when a player changes their skin. Plugin developers should not use this, use setSkin() and sendSkin() instead.

Definition at line 705 of file Player.php.

◆ chat()

pocketmine\player\Player::chat ( string $message)

Sends a chat message as this player. If the message begins with a / (forward-slash) it will be treated as a command.

Definition at line 1574 of file Player.php.

◆ checkBlockIntersections()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::checkBlockIntersections ( )

Definition at line 1312 of file Entity.php.

◆ checkGroundState()

pocketmine\player\Player::checkGroundState ( float $wantedX,
float $wantedY,
float $wantedZ,
float $dx,
float $dy,
float $dz )

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Entity.

Definition at line 1302 of file Player.php.

◆ checkItemCooldowns()

pocketmine\player\Player::checkItemCooldowns ( )

Definition at line 775 of file Player.php.

◆ checkNearEntities()

pocketmine\player\Player::checkNearEntities ( )

Definition at line 1322 of file Player.php.

◆ checkObstruction()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::checkObstruction ( float $x,
float $y,
float $z )

Definition at line 855 of file Entity.php.

◆ close()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::close ( )

Closes the entity and frees attached references.

WARNING: Entities are unusable after this has been executed!

Definition at line 1598 of file Entity.php.

◆ closeAllForms()

pocketmine\player\Player::closeAllForms ( )

Closes the current viewing form and forms in queue.

Definition at line 2267 of file Player.php.

◆ consumeHeldItem()

pocketmine\player\Player::consumeHeldItem ( )

Consumes the currently-held item.

bool if the consumption succeeded.

Definition at line 1717 of file Player.php.

◆ consumeObject()

pocketmine\entity\Human::consumeObject ( Consumable $consumable)

Causes the mob to consume the given Consumable object, applying applicable effects, health bonuses, food bonuses, etc.

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Living.

Definition at line 201 of file Human.php.

◆ continueBreakBlock()

pocketmine\player\Player::continueBreakBlock ( Vector3 $pos,
int $face )

Definition at line 1879 of file Player.php.

◆ damageArmor()

pocketmine\entity\Living::damageArmor ( float $damage)

Damages the worn armour according to the amount of damage given. Each 4 points (rounded down) deals 1 damage point to each armour piece, but never less than 1 total.

Definition at line 518 of file Living.php.

◆ dealFireDamage()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::dealFireDamage ( )

Called to deal damage to entities when they are on fire.

Definition at line 745 of file Entity.php.

◆ despawnFrom()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::despawnFrom ( Player $player,
bool $send = true )
WARNING: This function DOES NOT permanently hide the entity from the player. As soon as the entity or player moves, the player will once again be able to see the entity.

Definition at line 1545 of file Entity.php.

◆ despawnFromAll()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::despawnFromAll ( )
WARNING: This function DOES NOT permanently hide the entity from viewers. As soon as the entity or player moves, viewers will once again be able to see the entity.

Definition at line 1559 of file Entity.php.

◆ destroyCycles()

pocketmine\player\Player::destroyCycles ( )

Called when the entity is disposed, after all events have been fired. This should be used to perform destructive circular object references and things which could impact memory usage.

It is expected that the object is unusable after this is called.

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Human.

Definition at line 2405 of file Player.php.

◆ disconnect()

pocketmine\player\Player::disconnect ( Translatable|string $reason,
Translatable|string|null $quitMessage = null,
Translatable|string|null $disconnectScreenMessage = null )

Removes the player from the server. This cannot be cancelled. This is used for remote disconnects and for uninterruptible disconnects (for example, when the server shuts down).

Note for plugin developers: Prefer kick() instead of this method. That way other plugins can have a say in whether the player is removed or not.

Note for internals developers: Do not call this from network sessions. It will cause a feedback loop.

Translatable | string$reasonShown in the server log - this should be a short one-line message
Translatable | string | null$quitMessageMessage to broadcast to online players (null will use default)
Translatable | string | null$disconnectScreenMessageShown on the player's disconnection screen (null will use the reason)

Definition at line 2331 of file Player.php.

◆ doAirSupplyTick()

pocketmine\entity\Living::doAirSupplyTick ( int $tickDiff)

Ticks the entity's air supply, consuming it when underwater and regenerating it when out of water.

Definition at line 748 of file Living.php.

◆ doChunkRequests()

pocketmine\player\Player::doChunkRequests ( )

Ticks the chunk-requesting mechanism.

Definition at line 1071 of file Player.php.

◆ doFirstSpawn()

pocketmine\player\Player::doFirstSpawn ( )

Called by the network system when the pre-spawn sequence is completed (e.g. after sending spawn chunks). This fires join events and broadcasts join messages to other online players.

Definition at line 933 of file Player.php.

◆ doHitAnimation()

pocketmine\entity\Living::doHitAnimation ( )

Definition at line 604 of file Living.php.

◆ doOnFireTick()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::doOnFireTick ( int $tickDiff = 1)

Definition at line 721 of file Entity.php.

◆ dropItem()

pocketmine\player\Player::dropItem ( Item $item)

Drops an item on the ground in front of the player.

Definition at line 2142 of file Player.php.

◆ emote()

pocketmine\player\Player::emote ( string $emoteId)

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Human.

Definition at line 2126 of file Player.php.

◆ endDeathAnimation()

pocketmine\entity\Living::endDeathAnimation ( )

Definition at line 660 of file Living.php.

◆ entityBaseTick()

pocketmine\entity\Human::entityBaseTick ( int $tickDiff = 1)

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Living.

Definition at line 361 of file Human.php.

◆ extinguish()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::extinguish ( )

Definition at line 712 of file Entity.php.

◆ flagForDespawn()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::flagForDespawn ( )

Flags the entity to be removed from the world on the next tick.

Definition at line 1577 of file Entity.php.

◆ getAbsorption()

pocketmine\entity\Living::getAbsorption ( )

Definition at line 236 of file Living.php.

◆ getAirSupplyTicks()

pocketmine\entity\Living::getAirSupplyTicks ( )

Returns the number of ticks remaining in the entity's air supply. Note that the entity may survive longer than this amount of time without damage due to enchantments such as Respiration.

Definition at line 807 of file Living.php.

◆ getAllNetworkData()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getAllNetworkData ( )
MetadataProperty[] @phpstan-return array<int, MetadataProperty>

Definition at line 1664 of file Entity.php.

◆ getAllowFlight()

pocketmine\player\Player::getAllowFlight ( )

Returns whether the player is allowed to toggle its flight state.

If false, the player is locked in its current flight mode (flying/not flying), and attempts by the player to enter or exit flight mode will be prevented.

Definition at line 486 of file Player.php.

◆ getArmorInventory()

pocketmine\entity\Living::getArmorInventory ( )

Definition at line 429 of file Living.php.

◆ getArmorPoints()

pocketmine\entity\Living::getArmorPoints ( )

Returns how many armour points this mob has. Armour points provide a percentage reduction to damage. For mobs which can wear armour, this should return the sum total of the armour points provided by their equipment.

Definition at line 408 of file Living.php.

◆ getAttributeMap()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getAttributeMap ( )

Definition at line 630 of file Entity.php.

◆ getBlocksAroundWithEntityInsideActions()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getBlocksAroundWithEntityInsideActions ( )

Definition at line 1290 of file Entity.php.

◆ getBlocksIntersected()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getBlocksIntersected ( float $inset)

Yields all the blocks whose full-cube areas are intersected by the entity's AABB.

@phpstan-return \Generator<int, Block, void, void>

Definition at line 1268 of file Entity.php.

◆ getBoundingBox()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getBoundingBox ( )

Definition at line 303 of file Entity.php.

◆ getCraftingGrid()

pocketmine\player\Player::getCraftingGrid ( )

Definition at line 2695 of file Player.php.

◆ getCreativeInventory()

pocketmine\player\Player::getCreativeInventory ( )

Returns the creative inventory shown to the player. Unless changed by a plugin, this is usually the same for all players.

Definition at line 2703 of file Player.php.

◆ getCurrentWindow()

pocketmine\player\Player::getCurrentWindow ( )

Returns the inventory the player is currently viewing. This might be a chest, furnace, or any other container.

Definition at line 2761 of file Player.php.

◆ getCursorInventory()

pocketmine\player\Player::getCursorInventory ( )

Definition at line 2691 of file Player.php.

◆ getDeathPosition()

pocketmine\player\Player::getDeathPosition ( )

Definition at line 1082 of file Player.php.

◆ getDirectionPlane()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getDirectionPlane ( )

Definition at line 957 of file Entity.php.

◆ getDirectionVector()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getDirectionVector ( )

Definition at line 948 of file Entity.php.

◆ getDirtyNetworkData()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getDirtyNetworkData ( )
MetadataProperty[] @phpstan-return array<int, MetadataProperty>

Definition at line 1652 of file Entity.php.

◆ getDisplayName()

pocketmine\player\Player::getDisplayName ( )

Returns the "friendly" display name of this player to use in the chat.

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Living.

Definition at line 675 of file Player.php.

◆ getDrops()

pocketmine\player\Player::getDrops ( )

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Human.

Definition at line 1286 of file Player.php.

◆ getEffectivePermissions()

pocketmine\permission\Permissible::getEffectivePermissions ( )

Implemented in pocketmine\permission\PermissibleInternal.

◆ getEffects()

pocketmine\entity\Living::getEffects ( )

Definition at line 331 of file Living.php.

◆ getEnchantmentSeed()

pocketmine\entity\Human::getEnchantmentSeed ( )

Definition at line 222 of file Human.php.

◆ getEnderInventory()

pocketmine\entity\Human::getEnderInventory ( )

Definition at line 246 of file Human.php.

◆ getEyeHeight()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getEyeHeight ( )

Definition at line 1104 of file Entity.php.

◆ getEyePos()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getEyePos ( )

Definition at line 1108 of file Entity.php.

◆ getFallDistance()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getFallDistance ( )

Definition at line 1069 of file Entity.php.

◆ getFireTicks()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getFireTicks ( )

Definition at line 695 of file Entity.php.

◆ getFirstPlayed()

pocketmine\player\Player::getFirstPlayed ( )

TODO: not sure this should be nullable

Implements pocketmine\player\IPlayer.

Definition at line 449 of file Player.php.

◆ getFlightSpeedMultiplier()

pocketmine\player\Player::getFlightSpeedMultiplier ( )

Returns the player's flight speed multiplier.

Normal flying speed in blocks-per-tick is (multiplier * 10) blocks per tick. When sprint-flying, this is doubled to 20.

If set to zero, the player will not be able to move in the xz plane when flying. Negative values will invert the controls.

See also

Definition at line 556 of file Player.php.

◆ getFrostWalkerLevel()

pocketmine\entity\Living::getFrostWalkerLevel ( )

Definition at line 741 of file Living.php.

◆ getGamemode()

pocketmine\player\Player::getGamemode ( )

Definition at line 1190 of file Player.php.

◆ getGravity()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getGravity ( )

Definition at line 810 of file Entity.php.

◆ getHealth()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getHealth ( )

Definition at line 587 of file Entity.php.

◆ getHighestArmorEnchantmentLevel()

pocketmine\entity\Living::getHighestArmorEnchantmentLevel ( Enchantment $enchantment)

Returns the highest level of the specified enchantment on any armour piece that the entity is currently wearing.

Definition at line 420 of file Living.php.

◆ getHorizontalFacing()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getHorizontalFacing ( )

Definition at line 929 of file Entity.php.

◆ getHungerManager()

pocketmine\entity\Human::getHungerManager ( )

Definition at line 189 of file Human.php.

◆ getId()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getId ( )

Definition at line 1477 of file Entity.php.

◆ getInAirTicks()

pocketmine\player\Player::getInAirTicks ( )

Definition at line 1334 of file Player.php.

◆ getInitialDragMultiplier()

pocketmine\entity\Living::getInitialDragMultiplier ( )

Returns the percentage by which the entity's velocity is reduced per tick when moving through air. The entity's velocity is multiplied by 1 minus this value.

float 0-1

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Entity.

Definition at line 137 of file Living.php.

◆ getInitialGravity()

pocketmine\entity\Living::getInitialGravity ( )

Returns the downwards acceleration of the entity when falling, in blocks/tick².

float minimum 0

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Entity.

Definition at line 139 of file Living.php.

◆ getInitialSizeInfo()

pocketmine\entity\Human::getInitialSizeInfo ( )

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Entity.

Definition at line 122 of file Human.php.

◆ getInventory()

pocketmine\entity\Human::getInventory ( )

Implements pocketmine\inventory\InventoryHolder.

Definition at line 240 of file Human.php.

◆ getItemCooldownExpiry()

pocketmine\player\Player::getItemCooldownExpiry ( Item $item)

Returns the server tick on which the player's cooldown period expires for the given item.

Definition at line 751 of file Player.php.

◆ getItemUseDuration()

pocketmine\player\Player::getItemUseDuration ( )

Returns how long the player has been using their currently-held item for. Used for determining arrow shoot force for bows.

Definition at line 744 of file Player.php.

References pocketmine\server().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getJumpVelocity()

pocketmine\entity\Living::getJumpVelocity ( )

Returns the initial upwards velocity of a jumping entity in blocks/tick, including additional velocity due to effects.

Definition at line 362 of file Living.php.

◆ getLanguage()

pocketmine\player\Player::getLanguage ( )

Implements pocketmine\command\CommandSender.

Definition at line 697 of file Player.php.

◆ getLastDamageCause()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getLastDamageCause ( )

Definition at line 626 of file Entity.php.

◆ getLastPlayed()

pocketmine\player\Player::getLastPlayed ( )

TODO: not sure this should be nullable

Implements pocketmine\player\IPlayer.

Definition at line 456 of file Player.php.

◆ getLeaveMessage()

pocketmine\player\Player::getLeaveMessage ( )

Definition at line 409 of file Player.php.

◆ getLineOfSight()

pocketmine\entity\Living::getLineOfSight ( int $maxDistance,
int $maxLength = 0,
array $transparent = [] )
true[]$transparent@phpstan-param array<int, true> $transparent

Definition at line 863 of file Living.php.

◆ getLocale()

pocketmine\player\Player::getLocale ( )

Returns the player's locale, e.g. en_US.

Definition at line 693 of file Player.php.

◆ getLocation()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getLocation ( )

Definition at line 1338 of file Entity.php.

◆ getMaxAirSupplyTicks()

pocketmine\entity\Living::getMaxAirSupplyTicks ( )

Returns the maximum amount of air ticks the entity's air supply can contain.

Definition at line 822 of file Living.php.

◆ getMaxHealth()

pocketmine\entity\Living::getMaxHealth ( )

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Entity.

Definition at line 228 of file Living.php.

◆ getMotion()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getMotion ( )

Definition at line 1401 of file Entity.php.

◆ getMovementSpeed()

pocketmine\entity\Living::getMovementSpeed ( )

Definition at line 300 of file Living.php.

◆ getName()

pocketmine\player\Player::getName ( )

Gets the username

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Human.

Definition at line 668 of file Player.php.

Referenced by pocketmine\command\defaults\ListCommand\execute().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getNameTag()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getNameTag ( )

Definition at line 247 of file Entity.php.

◆ getNetworkProperties()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getNetworkProperties ( )

Definition at line 634 of file Entity.php.

◆ getNetworkSession()

pocketmine\player\Player::getNetworkSession ( )

Definition at line 658 of file Player.php.

◆ getNetworkTypeId()

static pocketmine\entity\Human::getNetworkTypeId ( )

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Entity.

Definition at line 102 of file Human.php.

◆ getOffHandInventory()

pocketmine\entity\Human::getOffHandInventory ( )

Definition at line 244 of file Human.php.

◆ getOffsetPosition()

pocketmine\entity\Human::getOffsetPosition ( Vector3 $vector3)

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Entity.

Definition at line 536 of file Human.php.

◆ getOwningEntity()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getOwningEntity ( )

Returns the owning entity, or null if the entity was not found.

Definition at line 409 of file Entity.php.

References pocketmine\server().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getOwningEntityId()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getOwningEntityId ( )

Returns the entity ID of the owning entity, or null if the entity doesn't have an owner.

Definition at line 402 of file Entity.php.

◆ getPermissionRecalculationCallbacks()

pocketmine\permission\Permissible::getPermissionRecalculationCallbacks ( )
ObjectSet|\Closure[] @phpstan-return ObjectSet<\Closure(array<string, bool> $changedPermissionsOldValues) : void>

Implemented in pocketmine\permission\PermissibleInternal.

◆ getPickedItem()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getPickedItem ( )

◆ getPlayerInfo()

pocketmine\player\Player::getPlayerInfo ( )

Returns an object containing information about the player, such as their username, skin, and misc extra client-specific data.

Definition at line 425 of file Player.php.

◆ getPosition()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getPosition ( )

Definition at line 1334 of file Entity.php.

◆ getSaveData()

pocketmine\player\Player::getSaveData ( )

Definition at line 2435 of file Player.php.

◆ getScale()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getScale ( )

Definition at line 291 of file Entity.php.

◆ getScoreTag()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getScoreTag ( )

Definition at line 282 of file Entity.php.

◆ getScreenLineHeight()

pocketmine\player\Player::getScreenLineHeight ( )

Returns the line height of the command-sender's screen. Used for determining sizes for command output pagination such as in the /help command. @phpstan-return positive-int

Implements pocketmine\command\CommandSender.

Definition at line 581 of file Player.php.

◆ getServer()

pocketmine\player\Player::getServer ( )

Implements pocketmine\command\CommandSender.

Definition at line 577 of file Player.php.

◆ getSize()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getSize ( )

Definition at line 320 of file Entity.php.

◆ getSkin()

pocketmine\entity\Human::getSkin ( )

Returns a Skin object containing information about this human's skin.

Definition at line 149 of file Human.php.

◆ getSpawn()

pocketmine\player\Player::getSpawn ( )

Definition at line 1109 of file Player.php.

References pocketmine\server().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getTargetBlock()

pocketmine\entity\Living::getTargetBlock ( int $maxDistance,
array $transparent = [] )
true[]$transparent@phpstan-param array<int, true> $transparent

Definition at line 904 of file Living.php.

◆ getTargetEntity()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getTargetEntity ( )

Returns the entity's target entity, or null if not found. This is used for things like hostile mobs attacking entities, and for fishing rods reeling hit entities in.

Definition at line 440 of file Entity.php.

References pocketmine\server().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getTargetEntityId()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getTargetEntityId ( )

Returns the entity ID of the entity's target, or null if it doesn't have a target.

Definition at line 432 of file Entity.php.

◆ getUniqueId()

pocketmine\player\Player::getUniqueId ( )

Returns the player's UUID. This should be the preferred method to identify a player. It does not change if the player changes their username.

All players will have a UUID, regardless of whether they are logged into Xbox Live or not. However, note that non-XBL players can fake their UUIDs.

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Human.

Definition at line 442 of file Player.php.

◆ getUsedChunks()

pocketmine\player\Player::getUsedChunks ( )
UsedChunkStatus[] chunkHash => status @phpstan-return array<int, UsedChunkStatus>

Definition at line 1049 of file Player.php.

◆ getUsedChunkStatus()

pocketmine\player\Player::getUsedChunkStatus ( int $chunkX,
int $chunkZ )

Returns a usage status of the given chunk, or null if the player is not using the given chunk.

Definition at line 1056 of file Player.php.

◆ getViewDistance()

pocketmine\player\Player::getViewDistance ( )

Definition at line 627 of file Player.php.

◆ getViewers()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getViewers ( )

Definition at line 1484 of file Entity.php.

◆ getWorld()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::getWorld ( )

Definition at line 1342 of file Entity.php.

◆ getXpDropAmount()

pocketmine\player\Player::getXpDropAmount ( )

Returns the amount of XP this mob will drop on death.

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Human.

Definition at line 1294 of file Player.php.

◆ getXpManager()

pocketmine\entity\Human::getXpManager ( )

Definition at line 218 of file Human.php.

◆ getXuid()

pocketmine\player\Player::getXuid ( )

If the player is logged into Xbox Live, returns their Xbox user ID (XUID) as a string. Returns an empty string if the player is not logged into Xbox Live.

Definition at line 431 of file Player.php.

◆ handleMovement()

pocketmine\player\Player::handleMovement ( Vector3 $newPos)

Attempts to move the player to the given coordinates. Unless you have some particularly specialized logic, you probably want to use teleport() instead of this.

This is used for processing movements sent by the player over network.

Vector3$newPosCoordinates of the player's feet, centered horizontally at the base of their bounding box.

Definition at line 1346 of file Player.php.

◆ hasAutoJump()

pocketmine\player\Player::hasAutoJump ( )

Definition at line 567 of file Player.php.

◆ hasBlockCollision()

pocketmine\player\Player::hasBlockCollision ( )

Returns whether blocks may obstruct the player's movement. If false, the player can move through any block unobstructed.

Definition at line 509 of file Player.php.

◆ hasFiniteResources()

pocketmine\player\Player::hasFiniteResources ( )

TODO: make this a dynamic ability instead of being hardcoded

Definition at line 1282 of file Player.php.

Referenced by pocketmine\entity\object\Painting\onDeath().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hasGravity()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::hasGravity ( )

Definition at line 819 of file Entity.php.

◆ hasItemCooldown()

pocketmine\player\Player::hasItemCooldown ( Item $item)

Returns whether the player has a cooldown period left before it can use the given item again.

Definition at line 759 of file Player.php.

◆ hasMovementUpdate()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::hasMovementUpdate ( )

Returns whether the entity needs a movement update on the next tick.

Reimplemented in pocketmine\entity\object\Painting, and pocketmine\entity\projectile\Projectile.

Definition at line 1059 of file Entity.php.

◆ hasNoClientPredictions()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::hasNoClientPredictions ( )

Returns whether clients may predict this entity's behaviour and movement. Used for things like water movement, burning, and movement smoothing (interpolation).

Definition at line 334 of file Entity.php.

◆ hasPermission()

pocketmine\permission\Permissible::hasPermission ( Permission|string $name)

Returns the permission value if overridden, or the default value if not

Implemented in pocketmine\permission\PermissibleInternal.

◆ hasPlayedBefore()

pocketmine\player\Player::hasPlayedBefore ( )

Implements pocketmine\player\IPlayer.

Definition at line 460 of file Player.php.

◆ hasReceivedChunk()

pocketmine\player\Player::hasReceivedChunk ( int $chunkX,
int $chunkZ )

Returns whether the target chunk has been sent to this player.

Definition at line 1063 of file Player.php.

◆ hasValidCustomSpawn()

pocketmine\player\Player::hasValidCustomSpawn ( )

Definition at line 1119 of file Player.php.

◆ heal()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::heal ( EntityRegainHealthEvent $source)

Definition at line 552 of file Entity.php.

◆ hidePlayer()

pocketmine\player\Player::hidePlayer ( Player $player)

Definition at line 596 of file Player.php.

◆ initEntity()

pocketmine\player\Player::initEntity ( CompoundTag $nbt)

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Human.

Definition at line 368 of file Player.php.

◆ initHumanData()

pocketmine\player\Player::initHumanData ( CompoundTag $nbt)

For Human entities which are not players, sets their properties such as nametag, skin and UUID from NBT.

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Human.

Definition at line 354 of file Player.php.

◆ interactBlock()

pocketmine\player\Player::interactBlock ( Vector3 $pos,
int $face,
Vector3 $clickOffset )

Touches the block at the given position with the currently-held item.

bool if it did something

Definition at line 1922 of file Player.php.

◆ interactEntity()

pocketmine\player\Player::interactEntity ( Entity $entity,
Vector3 $clickPos )

Interacts with the given entity using the currently-held item.

Definition at line 2032 of file Player.php.

◆ internalSetGameMode()

pocketmine\player\Player::internalSetGameMode ( GameMode $gameMode)

Definition at line 1194 of file Player.php.

◆ isAdventure()

pocketmine\player\Player::isAdventure ( bool $literal = false)

NOTE: Because Adventure and Spectator Mode share some similar behaviour, this method will also return true if the player is in Spectator Mode. Supply the $literal parameter as true to force a literal Adventure Mode check.

bool$literalwhether a literal check should be performed

Definition at line 1271 of file Player.php.

◆ isAlive()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::isAlive ( )

Definition at line 583 of file Entity.php.

◆ isAuthenticated()

pocketmine\player\Player::isAuthenticated ( )

Definition at line 417 of file Player.php.

◆ isBreathing()

pocketmine\entity\Living::isBreathing ( )

Returns whether the entity is currently breathing or not. If this is false, the entity's air supply will be used.

Definition at line 790 of file Living.php.

◆ isClosed()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::isClosed ( )

Returns whether the entity has been "closed".

Definition at line 1589 of file Entity.php.

◆ isConnected()

pocketmine\player\Player::isConnected ( )

Definition at line 654 of file Player.php.

◆ isCreative()

pocketmine\player\Player::isCreative ( bool $literal = false)

NOTE: Because Creative and Spectator Mode share some similar behaviour, this method will also return true if the player is in Spectator Mode. Supply the $literal parameter as true to force a literal Creative Mode check.

bool$literalwhether a literal check should be performed

Definition at line 1261 of file Player.php.

◆ isFireProof()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::isFireProof ( )

Definition at line 717 of file Entity.php.

◆ isFlaggedForDespawn()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::isFlaggedForDespawn ( )

Definition at line 1582 of file Entity.php.

◆ isFlying()

pocketmine\player\Player::isFlying ( )

Definition at line 521 of file Player.php.

◆ isGliding()

pocketmine\entity\Living::isGliding ( )

Definition at line 268 of file Living.php.

◆ isInsideOfSolid()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::isInsideOfSolid ( )

Definition at line 1134 of file Entity.php.

◆ isInvisible()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::isInvisible ( )

Definition at line 351 of file Entity.php.

◆ isNameTagAlwaysVisible()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::isNameTagAlwaysVisible ( )

Definition at line 255 of file Entity.php.

◆ isNameTagVisible()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::isNameTagVisible ( )

Definition at line 251 of file Entity.php.

◆ isOnFire()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::isOnFire ( )

Definition at line 683 of file Entity.php.

◆ isOnGround()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::isOnGround ( )

Definition at line 1434 of file Entity.php.

◆ isOnline()

pocketmine\player\Player::isOnline ( )

Definition at line 650 of file Player.php.

◆ isPermissionSet()

pocketmine\permission\Permissible::isPermissionSet ( Permission|string $name)

Checks if this instance has a permission overridden

Implemented in pocketmine\permission\PermissibleInternal.

◆ isSilent()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::isSilent ( )

Definition at line 360 of file Entity.php.

◆ isSleeping()

pocketmine\player\Player::isSleeping ( )

Definition at line 1143 of file Player.php.

◆ isSneaking()

pocketmine\entity\Living::isSneaking ( )

Definition at line 244 of file Living.php.

◆ isSpectator()

pocketmine\player\Player::isSpectator ( )

Definition at line 1275 of file Player.php.

◆ isSprinting()

pocketmine\entity\Living::isSprinting ( )

Definition at line 254 of file Living.php.

◆ isSurvival()

pocketmine\player\Player::isSurvival ( bool $literal = false)

NOTE: Because Survival and Adventure Mode share some similar behaviour, this method will also return true if the player is in Adventure Mode. Supply the $literal parameter as true to force a literal Survival Mode check.

bool$literalwhether a literal check should be performed

Definition at line 1251 of file Player.php.

◆ isSwimming()

pocketmine\entity\Living::isSwimming ( )

Definition at line 278 of file Living.php.

◆ isUnderwater()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::isUnderwater ( )

Definition at line 1123 of file Entity.php.

◆ isUsingChunk()

pocketmine\player\Player::isUsingChunk ( int $chunkX,
int $chunkZ )

Returns whether the player is using the chunk with the given coordinates, irrespective of whether the chunk has been sent yet.

Definition at line 1041 of file Player.php.

◆ isUsingItem()

pocketmine\player\Player::isUsingItem ( )

Returns whether the player is currently using an item (right-click and hold).

Definition at line 731 of file Player.php.

◆ isValidUserName()

static pocketmine\player\Player::isValidUserName ( ?string $name)

Validates the given username.

Definition at line 206 of file Player.php.

◆ jump()

pocketmine\player\Player::jump ( )

Called when the entity jumps from the ground. This method adds upwards velocity to the entity.

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Human.

Definition at line 1465 of file Player.php.

◆ kick()

pocketmine\player\Player::kick ( Translatable|string $reason = "",
Translatable|string|null $quitMessage = null,
Translatable|string|null $disconnectScreenMessage = null )

Kicks a player from the server

Translatable | string$reasonShown in the server log - this should be a short one-line message
Translatable | string | null$quitMessageMessage to broadcast to online players (null will use default)
Translatable | string | null$disconnectScreenMessageShown on the player's disconnection screen (null will use the reason)

Definition at line 2298 of file Player.php.

◆ kill()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::kill ( )

Definition at line 561 of file Entity.php.

◆ knockBack()

pocketmine\entity\Living::knockBack ( float $x,
float $z,
float $force = self::DEFAULT_KNOCKBACK_FORCE,
?float $verticalLimit = self::DEFAULT_KNOCKBACK_VERTICAL_LIMIT )

Definition at line 608 of file Living.php.

◆ lookAt()

pocketmine\entity\Living::lookAt ( Vector3 $target)

Changes the entity's yaw and pitch to make it look at the specified Vector3 position. For mobs, this will cause their heads to turn.

Definition at line 917 of file Living.php.

◆ missSwing()

pocketmine\player\Player::missSwing ( )

Performs actions associated with the attack action (left-click) without a target entity. Under normal circumstances, this will just play the no-damage attack sound and the arm-swing animation.

Definition at line 2020 of file Player.php.

◆ move()

pocketmine\entity\Living::move ( float $dx,
float $dy,
float $dz )

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Entity.

Definition at line 704 of file Living.php.

◆ nextRuntimeId()

static pocketmine\entity\Entity::nextRuntimeId ( )

Returns a new runtime entity ID for a new entity.

Definition at line 102 of file Entity.php.

◆ onAirExpired()

pocketmine\entity\Living::onAirExpired ( )

Called when the entity's air supply ticks reaches -20 or lower. The entity will usually take damage at this point and then the supply is reset to 0, so this method will be called roughly every second.

Reimplemented in pocketmine\entity\WaterAnimal.

Definition at line 838 of file Living.php.

◆ onBlockChanged()

pocketmine\world\ChunkListener::onBlockChanged ( Vector3 $block)

This method will be called when a block changes in a registered chunk

Implemented in pocketmine\network\mcpe\cache\ChunkCache.

◆ onChunkChanged()

onChunkUnloaded as pocketmine\player\Player::onChunkChanged ( int $chunkX,
int $chunkZ,
Chunk $chunk )

This method will be called when a Chunk is replaced by a new one

Implements pocketmine\world\ChunkListener.

Definition at line 2837 of file Player.php.

◆ onChunkLoaded()

pocketmine\world\ChunkListener::onChunkLoaded ( int $chunkX,
int $chunkZ,
Chunk $chunk )

This method will be called when a registered chunk is loaded

◆ onChunkPopulated()

pocketmine\world\ChunkListener::onChunkPopulated ( int $chunkX,
int $chunkZ,
Chunk $chunk )

This method will be called when a registered chunk is populated Usually it'll be sent with another call to onChunkChanged()

◆ onChunkUnloaded()

pocketmine\player\Player::onChunkUnloaded ( int $chunkX,
int $chunkZ,
Chunk $chunk )

This method will be called when a registered chunk is unloaded

Implements pocketmine\world\ChunkListener.

Definition at line 2845 of file Player.php.

◆ onCollideWithPlayer()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::onCollideWithPlayer ( Player $player)

Definition at line 1112 of file Entity.php.

◆ onDeath()

pocketmine\player\Player::onDeath ( )

Override this to do actions on death.

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Living.

Definition at line 2473 of file Player.php.

◆ onDeathUpdate()

pocketmine\player\Player::onDeathUpdate ( int $tickDiff)

Called to tick entities while dead. Returns whether the entity should be flagged for despawn yet.

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Living.

Definition at line 2509 of file Player.php.

◆ onDispose()

pocketmine\player\Player::onDispose ( )

Called when the entity is disposed to clean up things like viewers. This SHOULD NOT destroy internal state, because it may be needed by descendent classes.

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Human.

Definition at line 2398 of file Player.php.

◆ onFirstUpdate()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::onFirstUpdate ( int $currentTick)

Called from onUpdate() on the first tick of a new entity. This is called before any movement processing or main ticking logic. Use this to fire any events related to spawning the entity.

Reimplemented in pocketmine\entity\object\ItemEntity.

Definition at line 965 of file Entity.php.

◆ onFormSubmit()

pocketmine\player\Player::onFormSubmit ( int $formId,
mixed $responseData )

Definition at line 2246 of file Player.php.

◆ onHitGround()

pocketmine\entity\Living::onHitGround ( )

Called when a falling entity hits the ground.

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Entity.

Definition at line 379 of file Living.php.

◆ onInteract()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::onInteract ( Player $player,
Vector3 $clickPos )

Called when interacted or tapped by a Player. Returns whether something happened as a result of the interaction.

Definition at line 1119 of file Entity.php.

◆ onNearbyBlockChange()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::onNearbyBlockChange ( )

Definition at line 1033 of file Entity.php.

◆ onPostDisconnect()

pocketmine\player\Player::onPostDisconnect ( Translatable|string $reason,
Translatable|string|null $quitMessage )

Definition at line 2347 of file Player.php.

◆ onRandomUpdate()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::onRandomUpdate ( )

Called when a random update is performed on the chunk the entity is in. This happens when the chunk is within the ticking chunk range of a player (or chunk loader).

Reimplemented in pocketmine\entity\object\Painting.

Definition at line 1042 of file Entity.php.

◆ onUpdate()

pocketmine\player\Player::onUpdate ( int $currentTick)

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Entity.

Definition at line 1488 of file Player.php.

◆ openSignEditor()

pocketmine\player\Player::openSignEditor ( Vector3 $position)

Opens the player's sign editor GUI for the sign at the given position. TODO: add support for editing the rear side of the sign (not currently supported due to technical limitations)

Definition at line 2822 of file Player.php.

◆ orderChunks()

pocketmine\player\Player::orderChunks ( )

Calculates which new chunks this player needs to use, and which currently-used chunks it needs to stop using. This is based on factors including the player's current render radius and current position.

Definition at line 992 of file Player.php.

◆ parseSkinNBT()

static pocketmine\entity\Human::parseSkinNBT ( CompoundTag $nbt)

Definition at line 128 of file Human.php.

◆ pickBlock()

pocketmine\player\Player::pickBlock ( Vector3 $pos,
bool $addTileNBT )

Definition at line 1772 of file Player.php.

◆ pickEntity()

pocketmine\player\Player::pickEntity ( int $entityId)

Definition at line 1794 of file Player.php.

◆ processMostRecentMovements()

pocketmine\player\Player::processMostRecentMovements ( )

Fires movement events and synchronizes player movement, every tick.

Definition at line 1402 of file Player.php.

◆ recalculateBoundingBox()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::recalculateBoundingBox ( )

Definition at line 307 of file Entity.php.

◆ recalculatePermissions()

pocketmine\permission\Permissible::recalculatePermissions ( )
bool[] changed permission name => old value @phpstan-return array<string, bool>

Implemented in pocketmine\permission\PermissibleInternal.

◆ regenerateEnchantmentSeed()

pocketmine\entity\Human::regenerateEnchantmentSeed ( )

Definition at line 230 of file Human.php.

◆ releaseHeldItem()

pocketmine\player\Player::releaseHeldItem ( )

Releases the held item, for example to fire a bow. This should be preceded by a call to useHeldItem().

bool if it did something.

Definition at line 1749 of file Player.php.

◆ removeCurrentWindow()

pocketmine\player\Player::removeCurrentWindow ( )

Definition at line 2790 of file Player.php.

◆ removePermanentInventories()

pocketmine\player\Player::removePermanentInventories ( )

Definition at line 2811 of file Player.php.

◆ removeTitles()

pocketmine\player\Player::removeTitles ( )

Removes the title from the client's screen.

Definition at line 2179 of file Player.php.

◆ requestChunks()

pocketmine\player\Player::requestChunks ( )

Requests chunks from the world to be sent, up to a set limit every tick. This operates on the results of the most recent chunk order.

Definition at line 848 of file Player.php.

◆ resetFallDistance()

pocketmine\player\Player::resetFallDistance ( )

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Entity.

Definition at line 622 of file Player.php.

◆ resetItemCooldown()

pocketmine\player\Player::resetItemCooldown ( Item $item,
?int $ticks = null )

Resets the player's cooldown time for the given item back to the maximum.

Definition at line 767 of file Player.php.

References pocketmine\item\Item\getCooldownTag(), and pocketmine\server().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ resetLastMovements()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::resetLastMovements ( )

Definition at line 1396 of file Entity.php.

◆ resetTitles()

pocketmine\player\Player::resetTitles ( )

Resets the title duration settings to defaults and removes any existing titles.

Definition at line 2186 of file Player.php.

◆ respawn()

pocketmine\player\Player::respawn ( )

Definition at line 2514 of file Player.php.

◆ respawnToAll()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::respawnToAll ( )

Definition at line 1534 of file Entity.php.

◆ revertMovement()

pocketmine\player\Player::revertMovement ( Location $from)

Definition at line 1456 of file Player.php.

◆ save()

pocketmine\player\Player::save ( )

Handles player data saving

Definition at line 2469 of file Player.php.

References pocketmine\server().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ saveNBT()

pocketmine\entity\Human::saveNBT ( )

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Living.

Definition at line 420 of file Human.php.

◆ scheduleUpdate()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::scheduleUpdate ( )

Definition at line 1026 of file Entity.php.

◆ selectHotbarSlot()

pocketmine\player\Player::selectHotbarSlot ( int $hotbarSlot)

Definition at line 1612 of file Player.php.

◆ sendActionBarMessage()

pocketmine\player\Player::sendActionBarMessage ( string $message)

Adds small text to the user's screen.

Definition at line 2172 of file Player.php.

◆ sendData()

pocketmine\player\Player::sendData ( ?array $targets,
?array $data = null )
Player[] | null$targets
MetadataProperty[]$dataProperly formatted entity data, defaults to everything

@phpstan-param array<int, MetadataProperty> $data

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Entity.

Definition at line 2621 of file Player.php.

◆ sendForm()

pocketmine\player\Player::sendForm ( Form $form)

Sends a Form to the player, or queue to send it if a form is already open.



Definition at line 2239 of file Player.php.

◆ sendJukeboxPopup()

pocketmine\player\Player::sendJukeboxPopup ( Translatable|string $message)

Definition at line 2210 of file Player.php.

◆ sendMessage()

pocketmine\player\Player::sendMessage ( Translatable|string $message)

Sends a direct chat message to a player

Implements pocketmine\command\CommandSender.

Definition at line 2206 of file Player.php.

◆ sendPopup()

pocketmine\player\Player::sendPopup ( string $message)

Sends a popup message to the player

TODO: add translation type popups

Definition at line 2219 of file Player.php.

◆ sendPosition()

pocketmine\player\Player::sendPosition ( Vector3 $pos,
?float $yaw = null,
?float $pitch = null,
int $mode = MovePlayerPacket::MODE_NORMAL )

TODO: remove this

Definition at line 2648 of file Player.php.

◆ sendSkin()

pocketmine\player\Player::sendSkin ( ?array $targets = null)

{Sends the human's skin to the specified list of players. If null is given for targets, the skin will be sent to all viewers.

Player[] | null$targets

If null is given, will additionally send the skin to the player itself as well as its viewers.

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Human.

Definition at line 724 of file Player.php.

References pocketmine\server().

+ Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ sendSpawnPacket()

pocketmine\entity\Human::sendSpawnPacket ( Player $player)

Called by spawnTo() to send whatever packets needed to spawn the entity to the client.

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Living.

Definition at line 490 of file Human.php.

◆ sendSubTitle()

pocketmine\player\Player::sendSubTitle ( string $subtitle)

Sets the subtitle message, without sending a title.

Definition at line 2165 of file Player.php.

◆ sendTip()

pocketmine\player\Player::sendTip ( string $message)

Definition at line 2223 of file Player.php.

◆ sendTitle()

pocketmine\player\Player::sendTitle ( string $title,
string $subtitle = "",
int $fadeIn = -1,
int $stay = -1,
int $fadeOut = -1 )

Adds a title text to the user's screen, with an optional subtitle.

int$fadeInDuration in ticks for fade-in. If -1 is given, client-sided defaults will be used.
int$stayDuration in ticks to stay on screen for
int$fadeOutDuration in ticks for fade-out.

Definition at line 2154 of file Player.php.

◆ sendToastNotification()

pocketmine\player\Player::sendToastNotification ( string $title,
string $body )

Sends a toast message to the player, or queue to send it if a toast message is already shown.

Definition at line 2230 of file Player.php.

◆ setAbsorption()

pocketmine\entity\Living::setAbsorption ( float $absorption)

Definition at line 240 of file Living.php.

◆ setAirSupplyTicks()

pocketmine\entity\Living::setAirSupplyTicks ( int $ticks)

Sets the number of air ticks left in the entity's air supply.

Definition at line 814 of file Living.php.

◆ setAllowFlight()

pocketmine\player\Player::setAllowFlight ( bool $value)

Sets whether the player is allowed to toggle flight mode.

If set to false, the player will be locked in its current flight mode (flying/not flying), and attempts by the player to enter or exit flight mode will be prevented.

Note: Setting this to false DOES NOT change whether the player is currently flying. Use Player::setFlying() for that purpose.

Definition at line 473 of file Player.php.

◆ setAutoJump()

pocketmine\player\Player::setAutoJump ( bool $value)

Definition at line 560 of file Player.php.

◆ setBasePermission()

pocketmine\permission\Permissible::setBasePermission ( Permission|string $name,
bool $grant )

Assigns a baseline permission to the permissible. This is always calculated before anything else, which means that permissions set using addAttachment() will always override base permissions. You probably don't want to use this if you're not assigning (denying) operator permissions.

Implemented in pocketmine\permission\PermissibleInternal.

◆ setBreathing()

pocketmine\entity\Living::setBreathing ( bool $value = true)

Sets whether the entity is currently breathing. If false, it will cause the entity's air supply to be used. For players, this also shows the oxygen bar.

Definition at line 798 of file Living.php.

◆ setCanClimb()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::setCanClimb ( bool $value = true)

Sets whether the entity is able to climb climbable blocks.

Definition at line 379 of file Entity.php.

◆ setCanClimbWalls()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::setCanClimbWalls ( bool $value = true)

Sets whether the entity is climbing a block. If true, the entity can climb anything.

Definition at line 394 of file Entity.php.

◆ setCanSaveWithChunk()

pocketmine\player\Player::setCanSaveWithChunk ( bool $value)

Sets whether this entity will be saved when its chunk is unloaded. This can be used to prevent the entity being saved to disk.

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Entity.

Definition at line 2431 of file Player.php.

◆ setCreativeInventory()

pocketmine\player\Player::setCreativeInventory ( CreativeInventory $inventory)

To set a custom creative inventory, you need to make a clone of a CreativeInventory instance.

Definition at line 2710 of file Player.php.

◆ setCurrentWindow()

pocketmine\player\Player::setCurrentWindow ( Inventory $inventory)

Opens an inventory window to the player. Returns if it was successful.

Definition at line 2768 of file Player.php.

◆ setDeathPosition()

pocketmine\player\Player::setDeathPosition ( ?Vector3 $pos)
Vector3 | Position | null$pos

Definition at line 1092 of file Player.php.

◆ setDisplayName()

pocketmine\player\Player::setDisplayName ( string $name)

Definition at line 679 of file Player.php.

◆ setEnchantmentSeed()

pocketmine\entity\Human::setEnchantmentSeed ( int $seed)

Definition at line 226 of file Human.php.

◆ setFallDistance()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::setFallDistance ( float $fallDistance)

Definition at line 1071 of file Entity.php.

◆ setFireTicks()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::setFireTicks ( int $fireTicks)


Definition at line 702 of file Entity.php.

◆ setFlightSpeedMultiplier()

pocketmine\player\Player::setFlightSpeedMultiplier ( float $flightSpeedMultiplier)

Sets the player's flight speed multiplier.

Normal flying speed in blocks-per-tick is (multiplier * 10) blocks per tick. When sprint-flying, this is doubled to 20.

If set to zero, the player will not be able to move in the xz plane when flying. Negative values will invert the controls.

Note: Movement speed attribute does not influence flight speed.

See also

Definition at line 538 of file Player.php.

◆ setFlying()

pocketmine\player\Player::setFlying ( bool $value)

Definition at line 513 of file Player.php.

◆ setForceMovementUpdate()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::setForceMovementUpdate ( bool $value = true)

Flags the entity as needing a movement update on the next tick. Setting this forces a movement update even if the entity's motion is zero. Used to trigger movement updates when blocks change near entities.

Definition at line 1050 of file Entity.php.

◆ setGamemode()

pocketmine\player\Player::setGamemode ( GameMode $gm)

Sets the provided gamemode.

Definition at line 1222 of file Player.php.

◆ setGliding()

pocketmine\entity\Living::setGliding ( bool $value = true)

Definition at line 272 of file Living.php.

◆ setGravity()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::setGravity ( float $gravity)

Definition at line 814 of file Entity.php.

◆ setHasBlockCollision()

pocketmine\player\Player::setHasBlockCollision ( bool $value)

Sets whether the player's movement may be obstructed by blocks with collision boxes. If set to false, the player can move through any block unobstructed.

Note: Enabling flight mode in conjunction with this is recommended. A non-flying player will simply fall through the ground into the void.

See also

Definition at line 498 of file Player.php.

◆ setHasGravity()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::setHasGravity ( bool $v = true)

Definition at line 823 of file Entity.php.

◆ setHealth()

pocketmine\entity\Living::setHealth ( float $amount)

Sets the health of the Entity. This won't send any update to the players

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Entity.

Definition at line 219 of file Living.php.

Referenced by pocketmine\entity\effect\HealthBoostEffect\remove().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setInvisible()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::setInvisible ( bool $value = true)

Definition at line 355 of file Entity.php.

◆ setLastDamageCause()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::setLastDamageCause ( EntityDamageEvent $type)

Definition at line 622 of file Entity.php.

◆ setMaxAirSupplyTicks()

pocketmine\entity\Living::setMaxAirSupplyTicks ( int $ticks)

Sets the maximum amount of air ticks the air supply can hold.

Definition at line 829 of file Living.php.

◆ setMaxHealth()

pocketmine\entity\Living::setMaxHealth ( int $amount)

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Entity.

Definition at line 232 of file Living.php.

◆ setMotion()

pocketmine\player\Player::setMotion ( Vector3 $motion)

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Entity.

Definition at line 1470 of file Player.php.

◆ setMovementSpeed()

pocketmine\entity\Living::setMovementSpeed ( float $v,
bool $fit = false )

Definition at line 304 of file Living.php.

◆ setNameTag()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::setNameTag ( string $name)

Definition at line 267 of file Entity.php.

◆ setNameTagAlwaysVisible()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::setNameTagAlwaysVisible ( bool $value = true)

Definition at line 277 of file Entity.php.

◆ setNameTagVisible()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::setNameTagVisible ( bool $value = true)

Definition at line 272 of file Entity.php.

◆ setNoClientPredictions()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::setNoClientPredictions ( bool $value = true)

Things such as movement in water, burning, etc. may be predicted by the client. This is sometimes not desirable, since server-side logic may differ from client-side prediction. However, things like movement smoothing (interpolation) are also controlled by this, so it should be used with care.

Setting this flag will also disable player movement inputs, but this should not be relied on, as cheat clients will be able to bypass it.

Definition at line 346 of file Entity.php.

◆ setOnFire()

pocketmine\entity\Living::setOnFire ( int $seconds)

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Entity.

Definition at line 433 of file Living.php.

◆ setOwningEntity()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::setOwningEntity ( ?Entity $owner)

Sets the owner of the entity. Passing null will remove the current owner.


InvalidArgumentException if the supplied entity is not valid

Definition at line 418 of file Entity.php.

◆ setPosition()

pocketmine\player\Player::setPosition ( Vector3 $pos)

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Entity.

Definition at line 784 of file Player.php.

◆ setPositionAndRotation()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::setPositionAndRotation ( Vector3 $pos,
float $yaw,
float $pitch )

Definition at line 1386 of file Entity.php.

◆ setRotation()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::setRotation ( float $yaw,
float $pitch )

Definition at line 1378 of file Entity.php.

◆ setScale()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::setScale ( float $value)

Definition at line 295 of file Entity.php.

◆ setScoreTag()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::setScoreTag ( string $score)

Definition at line 286 of file Entity.php.

◆ setScreenLineHeight()

pocketmine\player\Player::setScreenLineHeight ( ?int $height)

Sets the line height used for command output pagination for this command sender. null will reset it to default. @phpstan-param positive-int|null $height

Implements pocketmine\command\CommandSender.

Definition at line 585 of file Player.php.

◆ setSilent()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::setSilent ( bool $value = true)

Definition at line 364 of file Entity.php.

◆ setSize()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::setSize ( EntitySizeInfo $size)

Definition at line 324 of file Entity.php.

◆ setSkin()

pocketmine\entity\Human::setSkin ( Skin $skin)

Sets the human's skin. This will not send any update to viewers, you need to do that manually using sendSkin.

Definition at line 157 of file Human.php.

◆ setSneaking()

pocketmine\entity\Living::setSneaking ( bool $value = true)

Definition at line 248 of file Living.php.

◆ setSpawn()

pocketmine\player\Player::setSpawn ( ?Vector3 $pos)

Sets the spawnpoint of the player (and the compass direction) to a Vector3, or set it on another world with a Position object

Vector3 | Position | null$pos

Definition at line 1129 of file Player.php.

◆ setSprinting()

pocketmine\entity\Living::setSprinting ( bool $value = true)

Definition at line 258 of file Living.php.

◆ setSwimming()

pocketmine\entity\Living::setSwimming ( bool $value = true)

Definition at line 282 of file Living.php.

◆ setTargetEntity()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::setTargetEntity ( ?Entity $target)

Sets the entity's target entity. Passing null will remove the current target.


InvalidArgumentException if the target entity is not valid

Definition at line 449 of file Entity.php.

◆ setTitleDuration()

pocketmine\player\Player::setTitleDuration ( int $fadeIn,
int $stay,
int $fadeOut )

Sets the title duration.

int$fadeInTitle fade-in time in ticks.
int$stayTitle stay time in ticks.
int$fadeOutTitle fade-out time in ticks.

Definition at line 2197 of file Player.php.

◆ setUsingItem()

pocketmine\player\Player::setUsingItem ( bool $value)

Definition at line 735 of file Player.php.

◆ setViewDistance()

pocketmine\player\Player::setViewDistance ( int $distance)

Definition at line 631 of file Player.php.

◆ showPlayer()

pocketmine\player\Player::showPlayer ( Player $player)

Definition at line 604 of file Player.php.

◆ sleepOn()

pocketmine\player\Player::sleepOn ( Vector3 $pos)

Definition at line 1147 of file Player.php.

◆ spawnEntitiesOnAllChunks()

pocketmine\player\Player::spawnEntitiesOnAllChunks ( )

Definition at line 827 of file Player.php.

◆ spawnEntitiesOnChunk()

pocketmine\player\Player::spawnEntitiesOnChunk ( int $chunkX,
int $chunkZ )

Definition at line 836 of file Player.php.

◆ spawnTo()

pocketmine\player\Player::spawnTo ( Player $player)

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Human.

Definition at line 571 of file Player.php.

◆ spawnToAll()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::spawnToAll ( )

Definition at line 1525 of file Entity.php.

◆ startDeathAnimation()

pocketmine\entity\Living::startDeathAnimation ( )

Definition at line 656 of file Living.php.

◆ stopBreakBlock()

pocketmine\player\Player::stopBreakBlock ( Vector3 $pos)

Definition at line 1885 of file Player.php.

◆ stopSleep()

pocketmine\player\Player::stopSleep ( )

Definition at line 1172 of file Player.php.

◆ syncNetworkData()

pocketmine\player\Player::syncNetworkData ( EntityMetadataCollection $properties)

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Living.

Definition at line 2600 of file Player.php.

◆ teleport()

pocketmine\player\Player::teleport ( Vector3 $pos,
?float $yaw = null,
?float $pitch = null )
Vector3 | Position | Location$pos

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Entity.

Definition at line 2654 of file Player.php.

◆ toggleFlight()

pocketmine\player\Player::toggleFlight ( bool $fly)

Definition at line 2084 of file Player.php.

◆ toggleGlide()

pocketmine\player\Player::toggleGlide ( bool $glide)

Definition at line 2100 of file Player.php.

◆ toggleSneak()

pocketmine\player\Player::toggleSneak ( bool $sneak)

Definition at line 2071 of file Player.php.

◆ toggleSprint()

pocketmine\player\Player::toggleSprint ( bool $sprint)

Definition at line 2058 of file Player.php.

◆ toggleSwim()

pocketmine\player\Player::toggleSwim ( bool $swim)

Definition at line 2113 of file Player.php.

◆ transfer()

pocketmine\player\Player::transfer ( string $address,
int $port = 19132,
Translatable|string|null $message = null )

Transfers a player to another server.

string$addressThe IP address or hostname of the destination server
int$portThe destination port, defaults to 19132
Translatable | string | null$messageMessage to show in the console when closing the player, null will use the default message
bool if transfer was successful.

Definition at line 2280 of file Player.php.

◆ tryChangeMovement()

pocketmine\player\Player::tryChangeMovement ( )

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Entity.

Definition at line 1484 of file Player.php.

◆ unloadChunk()

pocketmine\player\Player::unloadChunk ( int $x,
int $z,
?World $world = null )

Definition at line 807 of file Player.php.

◆ unsetBasePermission()

pocketmine\permission\Permissible::unsetBasePermission ( Permission|string $name)

Unsets a baseline permission previously set. If it wasn't already set, this will have no effect. Note that this might have different results than setting the permission to false.

Implemented in pocketmine\permission\PermissibleInternal.

◆ updateFallState()

pocketmine\entity\Entity::updateFallState ( float $distanceThisTick,
bool $onGround )

Definition at line 1079 of file Entity.php.

◆ updateMovement()

pocketmine\player\Player::updateMovement ( bool $teleport = false)

Reimplemented from pocketmine\entity\Entity.

Definition at line 1480 of file Player.php.

◆ useHeldItem()

pocketmine\player\Player::useHeldItem ( )

Activates the item in hand, for example throwing a projectile.

bool if it did something

Definition at line 1682 of file Player.php.

Member Data Documentation

◆ $absorptionAttr

Attribute pocketmine\entity\Living::$absorptionAttr

Definition at line 126 of file Living.php.

◆ $allowFlight

bool pocketmine\player\Player::$allowFlight = false

Definition at line 286 of file Player.php.

◆ $alwaysShowNameTag

bool pocketmine\entity\Entity::$alwaysShowNameTag = false

Definition at line 172 of file Entity.php.

◆ $armorInventory

ArmorInventory pocketmine\entity\Living::$armorInventory

Definition at line 119 of file Living.php.

◆ $attackTime

int pocketmine\entity\Living::$attackTime = 0

Definition at line 110 of file Living.php.

◆ $attributeMap

AttributeMap pocketmine\entity\Entity::$attributeMap

Definition at line 154 of file Entity.php.

◆ $authenticated

bool pocketmine\player\Player::$authenticated

Definition at line 223 of file Player.php.

◆ $autoJump

bool pocketmine\player\Player::$autoJump = true

Definition at line 285 of file Player.php.

◆ $blockBreakHandler

SurvivalBlockBreakHandler pocketmine\player\Player::$blockBreakHandler = null

Definition at line 312 of file Player.php.

◆ $blockCollision

bool pocketmine\player\Player::$blockCollision = true

Definition at line 287 of file Player.php.

◆ $blocksAround

array pocketmine\entity\Entity::$blocksAround = null

Definition at line 119 of file Entity.php.

◆ $boundingBox

AxisAlignedBB pocketmine\entity\Entity::$boundingBox

Definition at line 128 of file Entity.php.

◆ $breathing

bool pocketmine\entity\Living::$breathing = true

Definition at line 121 of file Living.php.

◆ $breathTicks

int pocketmine\entity\Living::$breathTicks = self::DEFAULT_BREATH_TICKS

Definition at line 122 of file Living.php.

◆ $canClimb

bool pocketmine\entity\Entity::$canClimb = false

Definition at line 176 of file Entity.php.

◆ $canClimbWalls

bool pocketmine\entity\Entity::$canClimbWalls = false

Definition at line 177 of file Entity.php.

◆ $chunkLoader

ChunkLoader pocketmine\player\Player::$chunkLoader

Definition at line 264 of file Player.php.

◆ $chunkSelector

ChunkSelector pocketmine\player\Player::$chunkSelector

Definition at line 263 of file Player.php.

◆ $chunksPerTick

int pocketmine\player\Player::$chunksPerTick

Definition at line 262 of file Player.php.

◆ $chunkTicker

ChunkTicker pocketmine\player\Player::$chunkTicker

Definition at line 265 of file Player.php.

◆ $closed

bool pocketmine\entity\Entity::$closed = false

Definition at line 162 of file Entity.php.

◆ $craftingGrid

PlayerCraftingInventory pocketmine\player\Player::$craftingGrid

Definition at line 230 of file Player.php.

◆ $creativeInventory

CreativeInventory pocketmine\player\Player::$creativeInventory

Definition at line 231 of file Player.php.

◆ $currentWindow

Inventory pocketmine\player\Player::$currentWindow = null

Definition at line 226 of file Player.php.

◆ $cursorInventory

PlayerCursorInventory pocketmine\player\Player::$cursorInventory

Definition at line 229 of file Player.php.

◆ $deadTicks

int pocketmine\entity\Living::$deadTicks = 0

Definition at line 112 of file Living.php.

◆ $displayName

string pocketmine\player\Player::$displayName

Definition at line 221 of file Player.php.

◆ $drag

float pocketmine\entity\Entity::$drag

Definition at line 157 of file Entity.php.

◆ $effectManager

EffectManager pocketmine\entity\Living::$effectManager

Definition at line 117 of file Living.php.

◆ $enderInventory

PlayerEnderInventory pocketmine\entity\Human::$enderInventory

Definition at line 106 of file Human.php.

◆ $fallDistance

float pocketmine\entity\Entity::$fallDistance = 0.0

Definition at line 140 of file Entity.php.

◆ $fireTicks

int pocketmine\entity\Entity::$fireTicks = 0

Definition at line 143 of file Entity.php.

◆ $firstPlayed

int pocketmine\player\Player::$firstPlayed

Definition at line 235 of file Player.php.

◆ $flightSpeedMultiplier

float pocketmine\player\Player::$flightSpeedMultiplier = self::DEFAULT_FLIGHT_SPEED_MULTIPLIER

Definition at line 290 of file Player.php.

◆ $flying

bool pocketmine\player\Player::$flying = false

Definition at line 288 of file Player.php.

◆ $forceMovementUpdate

bool pocketmine\entity\Entity::$forceMovementUpdate = false

Definition at line 125 of file Entity.php.

◆ $formIdCounter

int pocketmine\player\Player::$formIdCounter = 0

Definition at line 306 of file Player.php.

◆ $forms

array pocketmine\player\Player::$forms = []

Definition at line 308 of file Player.php.

◆ $gamemode

GameMode pocketmine\player\Player::$gamemode

Definition at line 237 of file Player.php.

◆ $gliding

bool pocketmine\entity\Living::$gliding = false

Definition at line 132 of file Living.php.

◆ $gravity

float pocketmine\entity\Entity::$gravity

Definition at line 156 of file Entity.php.

◆ $gravityEnabled

bool pocketmine\entity\Entity::$gravityEnabled = true

Definition at line 158 of file Entity.php.

◆ $hasSpawned

array pocketmine\entity\Entity::$hasSpawned = []

Definition at line 110 of file Entity.php.

◆ $healthAttr

Attribute pocketmine\entity\Living::$healthAttr

Definition at line 125 of file Living.php.

◆ $hiddenPlayers

array pocketmine\player\Player::$hiddenPlayers = []

Definition at line 268 of file Player.php.

◆ $hungerManager

HungerManager pocketmine\entity\Human::$hungerManager

Definition at line 112 of file Human.php.

◆ $id

int pocketmine\entity\Entity::$id

Definition at line 112 of file Entity.php.

◆ $inAirTicks

int pocketmine\player\Player::$inAirTicks = 0

Definition at line 273 of file Player.php.

◆ $inventory

PlayerInventory pocketmine\entity\Human::$inventory

Definition at line 104 of file Human.php.

◆ $invisible

bool pocketmine\entity\Entity::$invisible = false

Definition at line 179 of file Entity.php.

◆ $isCollided

bool pocketmine\entity\Entity::$isCollided = false

Definition at line 147 of file Entity.php.

◆ $isCollidedHorizontally

bool pocketmine\entity\Entity::$isCollidedHorizontally = false

Definition at line 148 of file Entity.php.

◆ $isCollidedVertically

bool pocketmine\entity\Entity::$isCollidedVertically = false

Definition at line 149 of file Entity.php.

◆ $jumpVelocity

float pocketmine\entity\Living::$jumpVelocity = 0.42

Definition at line 115 of file Living.php.

◆ $justCreated

bool pocketmine\entity\Entity::$justCreated = true

Definition at line 152 of file Entity.php.

◆ $keepMovement

bool pocketmine\entity\Entity::$keepMovement = false

Definition at line 138 of file Entity.php.

◆ $knockbackResistanceAttr

Attribute pocketmine\entity\Living::$knockbackResistanceAttr

Definition at line 127 of file Living.php.

◆ $lastDamageCause

EntityDamageEvent pocketmine\entity\Entity::$lastDamageCause = null

Definition at line 116 of file Entity.php.

◆ $lastLocation

Location pocketmine\entity\Entity::$lastLocation

Definition at line 122 of file Entity.php.

◆ $lastMotion

Vector3 pocketmine\entity\Entity::$lastMotion

Definition at line 124 of file Entity.php.

◆ $lastMovementProcess

float pocketmine\player\Player::$lastMovementProcess = null

Definition at line 271 of file Player.php.

◆ $lastPlayed

int pocketmine\player\Player::$lastPlayed

Definition at line 236 of file Player.php.

◆ $lastUpdate

int pocketmine\entity\Entity::$lastUpdate

Definition at line 142 of file Entity.php.

◆ $lineHeight

int pocketmine\player\Player::$lineHeight = null

@phpstan-var positive-int|null

Definition at line 293 of file Player.php.

◆ $loadQueue

array pocketmine\player\Player::$loadQueue = []

Definition at line 253 of file Player.php.

◆ $locale

string pocketmine\player\Player::$locale = "en_US"

Definition at line 294 of file Player.php.

◆ $location

Location pocketmine\entity\Entity::$location

Definition at line 121 of file Entity.php.

◆ $logger

Logger pocketmine\player\Player::$logger

Definition at line 310 of file Player.php.

◆ $maxBreathTicks

int pocketmine\entity\Living::$maxBreathTicks = self::DEFAULT_BREATH_TICKS

Definition at line 123 of file Living.php.

◆ $maxDeadTicks

int pocketmine\entity\Living::$maxDeadTicks = 25

Definition at line 113 of file Living.php.

◆ $messageCounter

int pocketmine\player\Player::$messageCounter = 2

Definition at line 233 of file Player.php.

◆ $motion

Vector3 pocketmine\entity\Entity::$motion

Definition at line 123 of file Entity.php.

◆ $moveRateLimit

float pocketmine\player\Player::$moveRateLimit = 10 * self::MOVES_PER_TICK

Definition at line 270 of file Player.php.

◆ $moveSpeedAttr

Attribute pocketmine\entity\Living::$moveSpeedAttr

Definition at line 128 of file Living.php.

◆ $nameTag

string pocketmine\entity\Entity::$nameTag = ""

Definition at line 170 of file Entity.php.

◆ $nameTagVisible

bool pocketmine\entity\Entity::$nameTagVisible = true

Definition at line 171 of file Entity.php.

◆ $networkPropertiesDirty

bool pocketmine\entity\Entity::$networkPropertiesDirty = false

Definition at line 168 of file Entity.php.

◆ $networkSession

NetworkSession pocketmine\player\Player::$networkSession

Definition at line 216 of file Player.php.

◆ $nextChunkOrderRun

int pocketmine\player\Player::$nextChunkOrderRun = 5

Definition at line 254 of file Player.php.

◆ $noClientPredictions

bool pocketmine\entity\Entity::$noClientPredictions = false

Definition at line 178 of file Entity.php.

◆ $noDamageTicks

int pocketmine\entity\Entity::$noDamageTicks = 0

Definition at line 151 of file Entity.php.

◆ $offHandInventory

PlayerOffHandInventory pocketmine\entity\Human::$offHandInventory

Definition at line 105 of file Human.php.

◆ $onGround

bool pocketmine\entity\Entity::$onGround = false

Definition at line 129 of file Entity.php.

◆ $ownerId

int pocketmine\entity\Entity::$ownerId = null

Definition at line 182 of file Entity.php.

◆ $permanentWindows

array pocketmine\player\Player::$permanentWindows = []

Definition at line 228 of file Player.php.

◆ $playerInfo

PlayerInfo pocketmine\player\Player::$playerInfo

Definition at line 224 of file Player.php.

◆ $scale

float pocketmine\entity\Entity::$scale = 1.0

Definition at line 174 of file Entity.php.

◆ $scoreTag

string pocketmine\entity\Entity::$scoreTag = ""

Definition at line 173 of file Entity.php.

◆ $server

Server pocketmine\entity\Entity::$server

Definition at line 160 of file Entity.php.

◆ $silent

bool pocketmine\entity\Entity::$silent = false

Definition at line 180 of file Entity.php.

◆ $size

EntitySizeInfo pocketmine\entity\Entity::$size

Definition at line 131 of file Entity.php.

◆ $skin

Skin pocketmine\entity\Human::$skin

Definition at line 110 of file Human.php.

◆ $sleeping

Vector3 pocketmine\player\Player::$sleeping = null

Definition at line 277 of file Player.php.

◆ $sneaking

bool pocketmine\entity\Living::$sneaking = false

Definition at line 131 of file Living.php.

◆ $spawnChunkLoadCount

int pocketmine\player\Player::$spawnChunkLoadCount = 0

Definition at line 261 of file Player.php.

◆ $spawned

bool pocketmine\player\Player::$spawned = false

Definition at line 218 of file Player.php.

◆ $spawnThreshold

int pocketmine\player\Player::$spawnThreshold

Definition at line 260 of file Player.php.

◆ $sprinting

bool pocketmine\entity\Living::$sprinting = false

Definition at line 130 of file Living.php.

◆ $startAction

int pocketmine\player\Player::$startAction = -1

Definition at line 296 of file Player.php.

◆ $stepHeight

float pocketmine\player\Player::$stepHeight = 0.6

Definition at line 275 of file Player.php.

◆ $swimming

bool pocketmine\entity\Living::$swimming = false

Definition at line 133 of file Living.php.

◆ $targetId

int pocketmine\entity\Entity::$targetId = null

Definition at line 183 of file Entity.php.

◆ $ticksLived

int pocketmine\entity\Entity::$ticksLived = 0

Definition at line 141 of file Entity.php.

◆ $timings

TimingsHandler pocketmine\entity\Entity::$timings

Definition at line 166 of file Entity.php.

◆ $usedChunks

array pocketmine\player\Player::$usedChunks = []

Definition at line 243 of file Player.php.

◆ $usedItemsCooldown

array pocketmine\player\Player::$usedItemsCooldown = []

Definition at line 302 of file Player.php.

◆ $username

string pocketmine\player\Player::$username

Definition at line 220 of file Player.php.

◆ $uuid

UuidInterface pocketmine\entity\Human::$uuid

Definition at line 108 of file Human.php.

◆ $viewDistance

int pocketmine\player\Player::$viewDistance = -1

Definition at line 259 of file Player.php.

◆ $xpManager

ExperienceManager pocketmine\entity\Human::$xpManager

Definition at line 113 of file Human.php.

◆ $xpSeed

int pocketmine\entity\Human::$xpSeed

Definition at line 115 of file Human.php.

◆ $xuid

string pocketmine\player\Player::$xuid = ""

Definition at line 222 of file Player.php.

◆ $ySize

float pocketmine\entity\Entity::$ySize = 0.0

Definition at line 136 of file Entity.php.


const pocketmine\entity\Living::DEFAULT_BREATH_TICKS = 300

Definition at line 87 of file Living.php.


const pocketmine\player\Player::DEFAULT_FLIGHT_SPEED_MULTIPLIER = 0.05

Definition at line 187 of file Player.php.


const pocketmine\entity\Living::DEFAULT_KNOCKBACK_FORCE = 0.4

The default knockback multiplier when an entity is hit by another entity. Larger values knock the entity back with increased velocity.

Definition at line 93 of file Living.php.


const pocketmine\entity\Living::DEFAULT_KNOCKBACK_VERTICAL_LIMIT = 0.4

Limit of an entity's vertical knockback velocity when hit by another entity. Without this limit, the entity may be knocked far up into the air with large knockback forces.

Definition at line 98 of file Living.php.


const pocketmine\entity\Entity::MOTION_THRESHOLD = 0.00001

Definition at line 85 of file Entity.php.


const pocketmine\entity\Entity::STEP_CLIP_MULTIPLIER = 0.4

Definition at line 86 of file Entity.php.


const pocketmine\player\Player::TAG_FIRST_PLAYED = "firstPlayed"

Definition at line 189 of file Player.php.


const pocketmine\player\Player::TAG_LAST_KNOWN_XUID = "LastKnownXUID"

Definition at line 201 of file Player.php.


const pocketmine\player\Player::TAG_LAST_PLAYED = "lastPlayed"

Definition at line 190 of file Player.php.


const pocketmine\player\Player::TAG_LEVEL = "Level"

Definition at line 200 of file Player.php.


const pocketmine\entity\Entity::TAG_MOTION = "Motion"

Definition at line 94 of file Entity.php.


const pocketmine\entity\Entity::TAG_POS = "Pos"

Definition at line 93 of file Entity.php.


const pocketmine\entity\Entity::TAG_ROTATION = "Rotation"

Definition at line 95 of file Entity.php.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: