PocketMine-MP 5.24.1 git-9d6a0cc7385976fb350f6f919ecc5580b508a783
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pocketmine\item Namespace Reference


class  Apple
class  Armor
class  ArmorMaterial
class  ArmorTypeInfo
class  Arrow
class  Axe
class  BakedPotato
class  Bamboo
class  Banner
class  Beetroot
class  BeetrootSeeds
class  BeetrootSoup
class  BlazeRod
class  Boat
class  Book
class  Bow
class  Bowl
class  Bread
class  Bucket
class  Carrot
class  ChorusFruit
class  Clock
class  Clownfish
class  Coal
class  CocoaBeans
class  Compass
interface  ConsumableItem
class  CookedChicken
class  CookedFish
class  CookedMutton
class  CookedPorkchop
class  CookedRabbit
class  CookedSalmon
class  Cookie
class  CoralFan
class  DriedKelp
class  Durable
class  Dye
class  Egg
class  EnchantedBook
class  EndCrystal
class  EnderPearl
class  ExperienceBottle
class  Fertilizer
class  FireCharge
class  FishingRod
class  FlintSteel
class  Food
interface  FoodSourceItem
class  GlassBottle
class  GlowBerries
class  GoatHorn
class  GoldenApple
class  GoldenAppleEnchanted
class  GoldenCarrot
class  Hoe
class  HoneyBottle
class  IceBomb
class  Item
class  ItemBlock
class  ItemBlockWallOrFloor
class  ItemCooldownTags
class  ItemIdentifier
class  ItemTypeIds
class  LegacyStringToItemParser
class  LegacyStringToItemParserException
class  LiquidBucket
class  Medicine
class  Melon
class  MelonSeeds
class  MilkBucket
class  Minecart
class  MushroomStew
class  NameTag
class  PaintingItem
class  Pickaxe
class  PitcherPod
class  PoisonousPotato
class  Potato
class  Potion
class  ProjectileItem
class  Pufferfish
class  PumpkinPie
class  PumpkinSeeds
class  RabbitStew
class  RawBeef
class  RawChicken
class  RawFish
class  RawMutton
class  RawPorkchop
class  RawRabbit
class  RawSalmon
class  Record
class  Redstone
interface  Releasable
class  RottenFlesh
class  Shears
class  Shovel
class  Snowball
class  SpawnEgg
class  SpiderEye
class  SplashPotion
class  Spyglass
class  Steak
class  Stick
class  StringItem
class  StringToItemParser
class  SuspiciousStew
class  SweetBerries
class  Sword
class  TieredTool
class  Tool
class  TorchflowerSeeds
class  Totem
class  TurtleHelmet
class  VanillaArmorMaterials
class  VanillaItems
class  WheatSeeds
class  WritableBook
class  WritableBookBase
class  WritableBookPage
class  WrittenBook


enum  BoatType { getWoodType }
enum  GoatHornType { DREAM }
enum  ItemUseResult { SUCCESS }
enum  MedicineType { getMetadata }
enum  PotionType { getMetadata }
enum  SuspiciousStewType { getEffects }
enum  ToolTier { meta }


 addEnchantment (EnchantmentInstance $enchantment)
 getEnchantment (Enchantment $enchantment)
 getEnchantmentLevel (Enchantment $enchantment)
 getEnchantments ()
 hasEnchantment (Enchantment $enchantment, int $level=-1)
 hasEnchantments ()
 removeEnchantment (Enchantment $enchantment, int $level=-1)
 removeEnchantments ()


trait ItemEnchantmentHandlingTrait

Detailed Description

All the Item classes

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ BoatType

TODO: These tags need to be removed once we get rid of LegacyEnumShimTrait (PM6) These are retained for backwards compatibility only.

@method static BoatType ACACIA() @method static BoatType BIRCH() @method static BoatType DARK_OAK() @method static BoatType JUNGLE() @method static BoatType MANGROVE() @method static BoatType OAK() @method static BoatType SPRUCE()

Definition at line 41 of file BoatType.php.

◆ GoatHornType

enum pocketmine::item::GoatHornType

Definition at line 26 of file GoatHornType.php.

◆ ItemUseResult

TODO: These tags need to be removed once we get rid of LegacyEnumShimTrait (PM6) These are retained for backwards compatibility only.

@method static ItemUseResult FAIL() @method static ItemUseResult NONE() @method static ItemUseResult SUCCESS()

Definition at line 36 of file ItemUseResult.php.

◆ MedicineType

TODO: These tags need to be removed once we get rid of LegacyEnumShimTrait (PM6) These are retained for backwards compatibility only.

@method static MedicineType ANTIDOTE() @method static MedicineType ELIXIR() @method static MedicineType EYE_DROPS() @method static MedicineType TONIC()


@phpstan-return array{0: string, 1: Effect}

@phpstan-return TMetadata

Definition at line 39 of file MedicineType.php.

◆ PotionType

TODO: These tags need to be removed once we get rid of LegacyEnumShimTrait (PM6) These are retained for backwards compatibility only.

@method static PotionType AWKWARD() @method static PotionType FIRE_RESISTANCE() @method static PotionType HARMING() @method static PotionType HEALING() @method static PotionType INVISIBILITY() @method static PotionType LEAPING() @method static PotionType LONG_FIRE_RESISTANCE() @method static PotionType LONG_INVISIBILITY() @method static PotionType LONG_LEAPING() @method static PotionType LONG_MUNDANE() @method static PotionType LONG_NIGHT_VISION() @method static PotionType LONG_POISON() @method static PotionType LONG_REGENERATION() @method static PotionType LONG_SLOWNESS() @method static PotionType LONG_SLOW_FALLING() @method static PotionType LONG_STRENGTH() @method static PotionType LONG_SWIFTNESS() @method static PotionType LONG_TURTLE_MASTER() @method static PotionType LONG_WATER_BREATHING() @method static PotionType LONG_WEAKNESS() @method static PotionType MUNDANE() @method static PotionType NIGHT_VISION() @method static PotionType POISON() @method static PotionType REGENERATION() @method static PotionType SLOWNESS() @method static PotionType SLOW_FALLING() @method static PotionType STRENGTH() @method static PotionType STRONG_HARMING() @method static PotionType STRONG_HEALING() @method static PotionType STRONG_LEAPING() @method static PotionType STRONG_POISON() @method static PotionType STRONG_REGENERATION() @method static PotionType STRONG_SLOWNESS() @method static PotionType STRONG_STRENGTH() @method static PotionType STRONG_SWIFTNESS() @method static PotionType STRONG_TURTLE_MASTER() @method static PotionType SWIFTNESS() @method static PotionType THICK() @method static PotionType TURTLE_MASTER() @method static PotionType WATER() @method static PotionType WATER_BREATHING() @method static PotionType WEAKNESS() @method static PotionType WITHER()

@phpstan-type TMetadata array{0: string, 1: \Closure() : list<EffectInstance>}


@phpstan-return array{0: string, 1: Effect}

@phpstan-return TMetadata

Definition at line 81 of file PotionType.php.

◆ SuspiciousStewType

TODO: These tags need to be removed once we get rid of LegacyEnumShimTrait (PM6) These are retained for backwards compatibility only.

@method static SuspiciousStewType ALLIUM() @method static SuspiciousStewType AZURE_BLUET() @method static SuspiciousStewType BLUE_ORCHID() @method static SuspiciousStewType CORNFLOWER() @method static SuspiciousStewType DANDELION() @method static SuspiciousStewType LILY_OF_THE_VALLEY() @method static SuspiciousStewType OXEYE_DAISY() @method static SuspiciousStewType POPPY() @method static SuspiciousStewType TULIP() @method static SuspiciousStewType WITHER_ROSE()

EffectInstance[] @phpstan-return list<EffectInstance>

Definition at line 45 of file SuspiciousStewType.php.

◆ ToolTier

TODO: These tags need to be removed once we get rid of LegacyEnumShimTrait (PM6) These are retained for backwards compatibility only.

@method static ToolTier DIAMOND() @method static ToolTier GOLD() @method static ToolTier IRON() @method static ToolTier NETHERITE() @method static ToolTier STONE() @method static ToolTier WOOD()

@phpstan-type TMetadata array{0: int, 1: int, 2: int, 3: int, 4: int}


This function exists only to permit the use of named arguments and to make the code easier to read in PhpStorm. @phpstan-return TMetadata

Definition at line 41 of file ToolTier.php.

Function Documentation

◆ addEnchantment()

pocketmine\item\addEnchantment ( EnchantmentInstance $enchantment)

Definition at line 78 of file ItemEnchantmentHandlingTrait.php.

◆ getEnchantment()

pocketmine\item\getEnchantment ( Enchantment $enchantment)

Definition at line 51 of file ItemEnchantmentHandlingTrait.php.

◆ getEnchantmentLevel()

pocketmine\item\getEnchantmentLevel ( Enchantment $enchantment)

Returns the level of the enchantment on this item with the specified ID, or 0 if the item does not have the enchantment.

Definition at line 95 of file ItemEnchantmentHandlingTrait.php.

◆ getEnchantments()

pocketmine\item\getEnchantments ( )
EnchantmentInstance[] @phpstan-return array<int, EnchantmentInstance>

Definition at line 87 of file ItemEnchantmentHandlingTrait.php.

Referenced by pocketmine\item\Armor\getEnchantmentProtectionFactor().

+ Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hasEnchantment()

pocketmine\item\hasEnchantment ( Enchantment $enchantment,
int $level = -1 )

Definition at line 46 of file ItemEnchantmentHandlingTrait.php.

◆ hasEnchantments()

pocketmine\item\hasEnchantments ( )

Definition at line 42 of file ItemEnchantmentHandlingTrait.php.

◆ removeEnchantment()

pocketmine\item\removeEnchantment ( Enchantment $enchantment,
int $level = -1 )

Definition at line 58 of file ItemEnchantmentHandlingTrait.php.

◆ removeEnchantments()

pocketmine\item\removeEnchantments ( )

Definition at line 70 of file ItemEnchantmentHandlingTrait.php.

Variable Documentation

◆ ItemEnchantmentHandlingTrait

trait pocketmine::item\ItemEnchantmentHandlingTrait
Initial value:
protected array $enchantments = []

This trait encapsulates all enchantment handling needed for itemstacks. The primary purpose of this trait is providing scope isolation for the methods it contains.

Definition at line 35 of file ItemEnchantmentHandlingTrait.php.