PocketMine-MP 5.18.1 git-9381fc4172e5dce4cada1cb356050c8a2ab57b94
4 * This file is part of BedrockProtocol.
5 * Copyright (C) 2014-2022 PocketMine Team <https://github.com/pmmp/BedrockProtocol>
6 *
7 * BedrockProtocol is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
8 * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
9 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
10 * (at your option) any later version.
11 */
15namespace pocketmine\network\mcpe\protocol\types\entity;
21final class EntityIds{
23 private function __construct(){
24 //NOOP
25 }
27 public const AGENT = "minecraft:agent";
28 public const ALLAY = "minecraft:allay";
29 public const AREA_EFFECT_CLOUD = "minecraft:area_effect_cloud";
30 public const ARMADILLO = "minecraft:armadillo";
31 public const ARMOR_STAND = "minecraft:armor_stand";
32 public const ARROW = "minecraft:arrow";
33 public const AXOLOTL = "minecraft:axolotl";
34 public const BALLOON = "minecraft:balloon";
35 public const BAT = "minecraft:bat";
36 public const BEE = "minecraft:bee";
37 public const BLAZE = "minecraft:blaze";
38 public const BOAT = "minecraft:boat";
39 public const BOGGED = "minecraft:bogged";
40 public const BREEZE = "minecraft:breeze";
41 public const BREEZE_WIND_CHARGE_PROJECTILE = "minecraft:breeze_wind_charge_projectile";
42 public const CAMEL = "minecraft:camel";
43 public const CAT = "minecraft:cat";
44 public const CAVE_SPIDER = "minecraft:cave_spider";
45 public const CHEST_BOAT = "minecraft:chest_boat";
46 public const CHEST_MINECART = "minecraft:chest_minecart";
47 public const CHICKEN = "minecraft:chicken";
48 public const COD = "minecraft:cod";
49 public const COMMAND_BLOCK_MINECART = "minecraft:command_block_minecart";
50 public const COW = "minecraft:cow";
51 public const CREEPER = "minecraft:creeper";
52 public const DOLPHIN = "minecraft:dolphin";
53 public const DONKEY = "minecraft:donkey";
54 public const DRAGON_FIREBALL = "minecraft:dragon_fireball";
55 public const DROWNED = "minecraft:drowned";
56 public const EGG = "minecraft:egg";
57 public const ELDER_GUARDIAN = "minecraft:elder_guardian";
58 public const ELDER_GUARDIAN_GHOST = "minecraft:elder_guardian_ghost";
59 public const ENDER_CRYSTAL = "minecraft:ender_crystal";
60 public const ENDER_DRAGON = "minecraft:ender_dragon";
61 public const ENDER_PEARL = "minecraft:ender_pearl";
62 public const ENDERMAN = "minecraft:enderman";
63 public const ENDERMITE = "minecraft:endermite";
64 public const EVOCATION_FANG = "minecraft:evocation_fang";
65 public const EVOCATION_ILLAGER = "minecraft:evocation_illager";
66 public const EYE_OF_ENDER_SIGNAL = "minecraft:eye_of_ender_signal";
67 public const FALLING_BLOCK = "minecraft:falling_block";
68 public const FIREBALL = "minecraft:fireball";
69 public const FIREWORKS_ROCKET = "minecraft:fireworks_rocket";
70 public const FISHING_HOOK = "minecraft:fishing_hook";
71 public const FOX = "minecraft:fox";
72 public const FROG = "minecraft:frog";
73 public const GHAST = "minecraft:ghast";
74 public const GLOW_SQUID = "minecraft:glow_squid";
75 public const GOAT = "minecraft:goat";
76 public const GUARDIAN = "minecraft:guardian";
77 public const HOGLIN = "minecraft:hoglin";
78 public const HOPPER_MINECART = "minecraft:hopper_minecart";
79 public const HORSE = "minecraft:horse";
80 public const HUSK = "minecraft:husk";
81 public const ICE_BOMB = "minecraft:ice_bomb";
82 public const IRON_GOLEM = "minecraft:iron_golem";
83 public const ITEM = "minecraft:item";
84 public const LEASH_KNOT = "minecraft:leash_knot";
85 public const LIGHTNING_BOLT = "minecraft:lightning_bolt";
86 public const LINGERING_POTION = "minecraft:lingering_potion";
87 public const LLAMA = "minecraft:llama";
88 public const LLAMA_SPIT = "minecraft:llama_spit";
89 public const MAGMA_CUBE = "minecraft:magma_cube";
90 public const MINECART = "minecraft:minecart";
91 public const MOOSHROOM = "minecraft:mooshroom";
92 public const MULE = "minecraft:mule";
93 public const NPC = "minecraft:npc";
94 public const OCELOT = "minecraft:ocelot";
95 public const OMINOUS_ITEM_SPAWNER = "minecraft:ominous_item_spawner";
96 public const PAINTING = "minecraft:painting";
97 public const PANDA = "minecraft:panda";
98 public const PARROT = "minecraft:parrot";
99 public const PHANTOM = "minecraft:phantom";
100 public const PIG = "minecraft:pig";
101 public const PIGLIN = "minecraft:piglin";
102 public const PIGLIN_BRUTE = "minecraft:piglin_brute";
103 public const PILLAGER = "minecraft:pillager";
104 public const PLAYER = "minecraft:player";
105 public const POLAR_BEAR = "minecraft:polar_bear";
106 public const PUFFERFISH = "minecraft:pufferfish";
107 public const RABBIT = "minecraft:rabbit";
108 public const RAVAGER = "minecraft:ravager";
109 public const SALMON = "minecraft:salmon";
110 public const SHEEP = "minecraft:sheep";
111 public const SHULKER = "minecraft:shulker";
112 public const SHULKER_BULLET = "minecraft:shulker_bullet";
113 public const SILVERFISH = "minecraft:silverfish";
114 public const SKELETON = "minecraft:skeleton";
115 public const SKELETON_HORSE = "minecraft:skeleton_horse";
116 public const SLIME = "minecraft:slime";
117 public const SMALL_FIREBALL = "minecraft:small_fireball";
118 public const SNIFFER = "minecraft:sniffer";
119 public const SNOW_GOLEM = "minecraft:snow_golem";
120 public const SNOWBALL = "minecraft:snowball";
121 public const SPIDER = "minecraft:spider";
122 public const SPLASH_POTION = "minecraft:splash_potion";
123 public const SQUID = "minecraft:squid";
124 public const STRAY = "minecraft:stray";
125 public const STRIDER = "minecraft:strider";
126 public const TADPOLE = "minecraft:tadpole";
127 public const THROWN_TRIDENT = "minecraft:thrown_trident";
128 public const TNT = "minecraft:tnt";
129 public const TNT_MINECART = "minecraft:tnt_minecart";
130 public const TRADER_LLAMA = "minecraft:trader_llama";
131 public const TRIPOD_CAMERA = "minecraft:tripod_camera";
132 public const TROPICALFISH = "minecraft:tropicalfish";
133 public const TURTLE = "minecraft:turtle";
134 public const VEX = "minecraft:vex";
135 public const VILLAGER = "minecraft:villager";
136 public const VILLAGER_V2 = "minecraft:villager_v2";
137 public const VINDICATOR = "minecraft:vindicator";
138 public const WANDERING_TRADER = "minecraft:wandering_trader";
139 public const WARDEN = "minecraft:warden";
140 public const WIND_CHARGE_PROJECTILE = "minecraft:wind_charge_projectile";
141 public const WITCH = "minecraft:witch";
142 public const WITHER = "minecraft:wither";
143 public const WITHER_SKELETON = "minecraft:wither_skeleton";
144 public const WITHER_SKULL = "minecraft:wither_skull";
145 public const WITHER_SKULL_DANGEROUS = "minecraft:wither_skull_dangerous";
146 public const WOLF = "minecraft:wolf";
147 public const XP_BOTTLE = "minecraft:xp_bottle";
148 public const XP_ORB = "minecraft:xp_orb";
149 public const ZOGLIN = "minecraft:zoglin";
150 public const ZOMBIE = "minecraft:zombie";
151 public const ZOMBIE_HORSE = "minecraft:zombie_horse";
152 public const ZOMBIE_PIGMAN = "minecraft:zombie_pigman";
153 public const ZOMBIE_VILLAGER = "minecraft:zombie_villager";
154 public const ZOMBIE_VILLAGER_V2 = "minecraft:zombie_villager_v2";